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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book The skipjack fisheries of the Palau Islands. Wilson, Peter T. Pac.SH319.P3W5 1970 IN
Video The smartest guys in the room MITC DVD 1254 IN
Book The social and economic impact of tourism on Pacific communities. Santa Cruz Pacific Seminar (1975 : Santa Cruz, Calif.) Pac.G155.O3S3 1975 IN
Book The Sokehs rebel Sato, Etsuo. Pac.DU587.P7S376 IN
Book The solar systems : how the sun, moon, and planets move. CRC Q181.S338te 1995 Gr.3:3 IN
Book The Solomon Islands Townsville peace agreement : trading human rights for peace? Taupongi, John S., author. Pac.KZ7145.T38 2003 IN
Book The Solomon report Solomon, Anthony M. Pac.DU500.U68 1963 IN
Video The son of the sun MITC VC 682 IN
Book The sounds of Micronesia : a photo exhibit of traditional sound-producing instruments. Dietrich, Brian Pac.ML544.M625D54 IN
Serial The South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Pac.Per.RM214.S68 IN
Computer The South China sea issue. CD ROM 0904 IN
Serial The South Pacific albacore fishery: a summary of the status of the stock and fishery management issues of relevance to Pacific island countries and territories/ Langley, Adam D. Pac.Per.SH351.A42L36 2006 IN
Book The South Pacific journal of natural science. Pac.Per.QH198.A1S69 IN
Book The South Pacific nuclear free zone : hearings and markup before the Committee on Foreign Affairs and its Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, first session on, H. Con. Res. 158, June 9, and July 15, 1987. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Pac.JX1974.74.O25U53 1988 IN
Book The South Sea Expedition Kramer, Augustin, 1865-1941. Pac.DU500.A15M37 no. 46 IN
Book The South Sea Islands under Japanese mandate [Japan South Seas Bureau]. Pac.DU500.J35 1934 Annex IN
 2 The Southeast Asian journal of tropical medicine and public health
Serial From the spaces to the holes: : Ralik-Ratak remembrances of World War II
Video The Spanish exhibit. MITC DVD 914 IN
Serial The star killers.
Serial The star killers : Micronesians declare war
Book The state of coral reef ecosystems of the United States and pacific freely associated states, 2002
Book The state of coral reef ecosystems of the United States and Pacific Freely Associated States : 2008 Pac.QH104.S68 2008 IN
Serial The state of Guam's agenda
Book The state of Pacific children. South Pacific Conference 33rd : 1993 : Noumea). Pac.HQ792.P16S1 1993 IN
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