View previous page View next page Title Search: Lake effect
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Land tenure in Micronesia : fiscal year 1971 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of the Interior. Pac.HD1126.P33 1971 IN
Book Land tenure in Niue Pac.HD1129.N58L35 1977 IN
Book Land tenure in Oceania Lundsgaarde, Henry Peder. Pac.HD1126.L85 1974 IN
Book Land tenure in the Atolls : Cook Islands, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Tokelau, Tuvalu Pac.HD1120.7.L36 1987 IN
Book Land tenure in the Cook Islands Crocombe, R. G. Pac.HD1121.C6C7 1967 IN
 3 Land tenure in the Marshall Islands
 2 Land tenure in the Pacific
Serial Land tenure in the Pacific : a symposium of the Tenth Pacific Science Congressconvened by Edwin Doran, Jr. Pac.HD1126.O25A7 1961 IN
Book Land tenure in the Pacific Islands : selected readings Pac.HD1126.L23 1992 IN
Mixed Land tenure in the Truk District Fischer, John L. VerF 0572.50a IN
Book Land tenure in Trukese society, 1850-1980 Parker, Patricia Lee 1943- Pac.HD1265.M72T76 1985a IN
Serial Land tenure journal (print) FAO.HD1241.L36 IN
Serial Land tenure journal = Revue des questions foncieÌres = Revista sobre tenencia de la tierra. FAO.HD1241.L36 IN
Book Land tenure, kinship and community structure : strategies for living in the Ellice Islands of Western Polynesia Brady, Ivan Arthur
 2 Land tenure of the South Sea islanders (English Translation I).
Book Land tenure on a Micronesian atoll. Damas, David, 1926- Pac.DU568.P5D35 1994 IN
Book Land tenure on Pingelap. Damas, David, 1926- Pac.DU568.P5D35 1994 IN
Book Land tenure on Pohnpei. Fischer, John Lyle, Pac.HD1129.P7F48 IN
Mixed Land tenure on Tarawa, Gilbert Islands Crocombe, R. G. (Ronald Gordon) VerF 0075.68 Pac IN
Book Land tenure patterns, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : a handbook series. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Staff Anthropologist. Pac.HD1129.T7A2 IN
Mixed Land tenure provisions of Pacific Island constitutions Larmour, Peter. VerF 0403.84 Pac IN
Mixed Land title and determinations and registration. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Division of Land Management. Resources and Development.
Serial Land titles in Pohnpei. Pac.Per.HD1129.P7P75 1972-74 IN
Book Land use and foreign investment in a Pacific island urban situation. McGrath, W. A. (William A.) Pac.HD1123.M33 1973 IN
Book Land use and society : geography, law, and public policy Platt, Rutherford H. KF5698.P69 1996 IN
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