View previous page View next page Title Search: Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia: Kapingamarangese-English.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Serial Congressional advisor Pac.Per.JK1.C66 IN
Mixed Congressional appropriations of public funds Haglelgam, John R. VerF 0225.00 Pac IN
Mixed Congressional bill no. 10-3, C.D. 1, C.D.2, C.D. 3 Congress of Micronesia. (10th : First Regular Session : 1997) VerF.1156 Pac. IN
Book Congressional bill no.12-24. Micronesia (Federated States). Congress. Pac.J960.H35F31fss 2001 IN
Book Congressional Bill No. 14-24, C.D. 1. Micronesia (Federated States). Congress of Micronesia. Pac.LC4700.X2F42 2005 IN
Book Congressional Bill No. 14-178, C.D. 1. Micronesia (Federated States). Congress of Micronesia. Pac.K3293.M53 2006 IN
 4 Congressional Bills
 3 Congressional directory
Book Congressional directory (bibliography), 4th Congressof Micronesia. Department of Public Affairs. ARC. TTPI 03 IN
Book Congressional directory : Fifth Congress of Micronesia Congress of Micronesia ARC. TTPI 05 1974 IN
Serial Congressional directory (United States. Superintendent of Documents) Gov.Y4.P93/1:1/111 IN
Map Congressional districts of the 106th Congress of the United States (January 1999 to 2001) United States. Bureau of the Census. Geography Division. Gov.C3.62/10:90/9 OUT
Map Congressional districts of the 108th Congress of the United States (January 2003 to 2005) United States. Bureau of the Census. Geography Division. Gov.C3.62/10:90/10/2003 OUT
Serial Congressional document series Gov.Y1.1/2:Serial 13318A IN
Serial Congressional edition Gov.Y1.1/2:Serial 13318A IN
 3 Congressional Journal
Serial Congressional monthly advisor. Pac.Per.JK1.C66 IN
Serial Congressional pictorial directory United States. Congress. Gov.Y4.P93/1:1P/107 IN
Book Congressional Quarterly, inc. JK1010.M45 1981 IN
Serial Congressional quarterly's Washington information directory Ref.F192.3.W33 1995-96 IN
Computer Congressional Record.
Serial Congressional record : daily digest. United States. Congress Gov.X 1.1:99/1-131/PT.28 INDEX IN
Computer [Congressional record online via GPO access]
Serial Congressional record : proceedings and debates of the Congress. United States. Congress Gov.X 1.1:99/1-131/PT.28 INDEX IN
Mixed Congressional Resolution Micronesia (Federated States) Congress of Micronesia.
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