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  Title Author Call Number Status
Mixed Assessment of onshore aggregate resources, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Maharaj, Russell J. Pac.TN264.S67 v.111 IN
Book The Assessment of rat damage Wilson, E.J. Pac.SB994.R6W55 1972 IN
Mixed Assessment of resistance and tolerance of in-vitro-propagated banana plants to burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis Stanton, J. M. Pac.S17.A87 1999 IN
Book Assessment of Samoa's trochus (Tectus niloticus) fishery : history, status and recommendations for management Pac.SH370.A7T43 2016 IN
 2 Assessment of skipjack (Katsuwonis pelamis) resources in the central and western Pacific by estimating standing stock and components of population turnover from tagging data
Book Assessment of soil nutrient balance : approaches and methodologies Roy, Rabindra N., 1944- FAO.S631.F3 no. 14 IN
Book Assessment of students with special needs Venn, John. LC4031.V46 1994 IN
Computer Assessment of the agroforestry system under chaging diet and economy on Pohnpei Federated of Micronesia. Shaeffer, Sarah CD ROM 0074 2006 IN
Book Assessment of the agroforestry system under changing diet and economy on Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia Shaeffer, Sarah. Pac.S494.5.A45S1 2006 IN
eBook Assessment of the amended compacts and related agreements Westin, Susan S. Pac.HC681.5.U54W52 2003 IN
Book Assessment of the application of the 'parity law' in New Caledonia, French Polynesia and Wallis and Futuna (April-June 2007) Bargel, Lucie. Pac.HQ1867.B37 2010 IN
Book Assessment of the coconut crab (Birgus latro) in Mauke, Cook Islands Matamaki, Teresa. Pac.SH399.C6M41 2016 IN
Mixed Assessment of the coconut crab (Birgus latro) population on the Naval computer and Telecommunication Master Station U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services. VerF 1010 Pac. IN
Book Assessment of the College of Micronesia-FSM : a report to the President, the Congress, the State Governors of the Federated States of Micronesia Pac. LG961.M5C63376 1995 IN
Book Assessment of the Community College of Micronesia. Shuster, Donald R. [et al.] Pac.LG961.M53S9 1991 IN
Mixed Assessment of the impact of Federal Education Programs in the Marshall Islands Republic of the Marshall Islands. Ministry of Education VerF 0844.01 Pac. IN
Mixed An assessment of the impact of President Raegan's budget reform plan on programs in education supported through federal grant funds Pac.LB2342.A87 1981 IN
Book An assessment of the Ponape dory project Ritterbush, Stephen. Pac.SH319.P7R57 IN
Book Assessment of the role of the private sector in the development and management of water supply in selected ESCWA member countries Doc.HD1698.M53A86 2003 IN
Book An assessment of the role of women in fisheries in Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia Lambeth, Lyn. Pac. SH319.M5L35 2001a IN
Book An assessment of the role of women in fisheries in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia Lambeth, Lyn. Pac.SH319.M5L35 2000 IN
Book An assessment of the role of women in fisheries in Yap, Federated States of Micronesia Lambeth, Lyn. Pac.SH319.M5L35 2001b IN
Serial An assessment of the sea turtles and their marine and terrestrial habitats at Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands VerF 0848.01 Pac IN
Book Assessment of the skipjack and baitfish resources in the central and western tropical Pacific Ocean : a summary of the skipjack survey and assessment programme Kearney, R. E. Pac.SH351.T8S55 1983 IN
Book An assessment of the skipjack and baitfish resources of American Samoa Pac.SH351.T8S51 no.17 IN
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