View previous page View next page Title Search: Director's report to the 12th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Pacific Islands Conference
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Disassembling and decolonizing school in the Pacific : a genealogy from Micronesia Kupferman, David W. Pac.LA2270.M5K87 2013 IN
Book Disaster control program : typhoon Pamela, Truk, F.C.I. individual and family assistance audit report no. 77-6 Pac.HF5668.25.R47 IN
Book Disaster know-how Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Disaster Control Office. Pac.GB5014.P33 IN
Book Disaster management in archives, libraries and museums Matthews, Graham, 1953- Z679.7.M43 2009 IN
Book Disaster management plan Micronesia Red Cross Society. CRC.HV551.5.F42D57 IN
Book Disaster management programs for historic sites Pac.E159.D57 1998 IN
Book Disaster preparedness and disaster experience in the South Pacific. Hamnet, Michael P. 1947- Pac.HV555.O3H362 1982 IN
Book Disaster preparedness and the state of preparedness in the Pacific region Hamnett, Michael P., 1947- Pac.HV555.O3H36 1983 IN
Book Disaster preparedness grant program: audit report. Pac.HV555.M5R4 1979 IN
Book Disaster preparedness in the Pacific : training and preparedness strategies Hamnett, Michael P., 1947- Pac.HV555.O3H3612 1983 IN
Book Disaster preparedness plan : Pohnpei State Government. Pac.HZ930104.51 IN
Book Disaster preparedness plan : Yap State Government. Pac.HZ930104.51.Y3 IN
Book Disaster preparedness program grant application. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Disaster Control office. Pac.HV555.T7T74 1975 IN
Book Disaster preparedness program : PL93-288 grant application Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Disaster Control office. Pac.HV555.T7T74 1975 IN
Book Disaster reduction in China. HF5548.2.D63 1994 IN
Book Disaster response and planning for libraries Kahn, Miriam (Miriam B.) Z679.7.K38 2012 IN
Book Disaster response and risk management in the fisheries sector FAO.SH1.F2 2007 No.479 IN
Book Disaster risk management for health. World Health Organizatio Western Pacific Region. Pac.RA645.5.W67 2015 IN
Book Disaster risk management systems analysis : a guide book FAO.HV551.2.D58 2008 IN
Book Disaster risk reduction for food and nutrition security FAO.HD9000.5.R3669 2011 IN
Book Disastrous floods from the severe winter storms in California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho : December 1996 - January 1997 United States. National Weather Service. Western Region. Gov.C55.20:F65/14 IN
Book Discards in the world's marine fisheries : an update Kelleher, Kieran. FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Book Disciplinary rules and procedures for attorneys practicing in the Trust Territory. Pac.KWG5.45.D55 IN
Book Discipline and experience Dear, Peter Robert. Q127.E8D43 1995 IN
Book Discipline & experience : the mathematical way in the scientific revolution Dear, Peter Robert. Q127.E8D43 1995 IN
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