View previous page View next page Title Search: Pacific friend
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Pacific island foods : description and nutrient composition of 78 local foods English, Ruth. Pac.TX360.O3E54 1996 IN
Book Pacific island foods : vol 2 : nutrient compositionof some Pacific island foods and the effect of earth-oven cooking Pac.TX360.O3P33 2001 IN
Computer Pacific island history poster profiles. CD ROM 0452 IN
Book Pacific island IMF member countires : recent economic developents and medium-term prospects Browne, Christopher, 1944- Pac.HC681.B766 1995 IN
Book Pacific island involvement in the global information infrastructure : final report Pac.HE7549.P3P32 1998 IN
Book Pacific island languages : essays in honour of G.B. Milner Pac.PL6071.P3 1990 IN
 2 Pacific Island Leaders.
Book Pacific Island legends : tales from Micronesia, Melanesia, Polynesia, and Australia Flood, Bo. Pac.GR380.F56 1999 IN
 2 Pacific island mariculture conference : Appendix [to report of conference].
Book Pacific island mariculture conference, February 6-8, 1973. Pacific Island Mariculture Conference, Kaneohe, Hawaii 1973. Pac.SH138.P33 1973 IN
 2 The Pacific Island microstates
Serial Pacific Island Ministers meet
Book Pacific Island movement and socioeconomic change : metaphors of misunderstanding Chapman, Murray. Pac.JV9290.C43 1991 IN
Book Pacific island nations : how viable are their economies? Hezel, Francis X. Pac.HC681.H48 2012 IN
Book Pacific Island nations in the age of globalization. Foundation for Advanced Information and Research, Japan Committee for Pacific Island Countries. Pac.JZ1318.F68 IN
Book Pacific island neighbours Knox, Margaret. Pac.DU17.K56 1971 IN
Book The Pacific island peoples in the postwar world. Keesing, Felix Maxwell, 1902-1961. Pac.DU28.K25 1950 IN
Book Pacific Island perspective. Thistlewait, Robert. Pac.HC681.3.E55 1992 IN
 2 Pacific Island populations 2016
 4 Pacific Island populations : report
Book Pacific island rat ecology : report of a study made on Ponape and adjacent islands, 1955-1958 Pac.QL737R6S75 IN
Mixed Pacific Island Report. VerF.113 Pac. IN
Book Pacific island South Sea mandated islands Okada, Soshi. Pac.DU500.O5 IN
Book Pacific Island States : selected countries --Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Western Samoa, Vanuatu, Tonga, Kiribati, The Federated States of Micronesia and Micro States. Pac.HC683.O3P33 IN
 2 Pacific Island suicide in comparative perspective
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