Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
Fisheries off the United States coasts : agreement between the United States of America and Japan, effected by exchange of letters, signed at Tokyo and Silver Spring, April 12, 1990, with annexes and attachment.
Pac.JX231.A24S11726 1993
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Fisheries off the United States coasts : agreement between the United States of America and Japan, extending thee agreement of September 10, 1982, as amended and extended, effective by exchange of notes signed at Washington October 6, 1989.
Pac.JX231.A24S11693 1989
IN |
A fisheries policy for the Federated States of Micronesia
Miles, Edward L.
Pac.SH319.A2M5 1991 c.1
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A fisheries policy for the Federated States of Micronesia : leading to strengthening the contribution of commercial fisheries to the economy of FSM.
Pac.SH319.A2M5 1997
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Fisheries policy for the FSM.
Asian Development Bank Consulting Team.
Pac.SH325.F42A4 1996
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Fisheries program in Micronesia
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Joint Committee on Resources and Development.
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Fisheries programme.
Fisheries research.
Papua New Guinea. Fisheries Division.
Pac.SH319.P3P36 1984
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Fisheries research annual report for ...
Papua New Guinea. Fisheries Division.
Pac.SH319.P3P36 1984
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Fisheries resources and management investigations in Woleai Atoll, Yap State, Federated States of Micronesia
Smith, Andrew.
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Fisheries resources survey of the island of Niue : a report prepared in conjunction with the South Pacific Commission Inshore Fisheries Research Project and the FAO Regional Aquaculture Development Project for the Government of Niu, July 1990
Dalzell, P. J.
Pac.SH319.A2T38 no.3
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Fisheries review
Gov. I 49.40/2:
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Fisheries review (Fort Collins, Colo.)
Gov. I 49.40/2:
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Fisheries statistics training course : lecture notes
South Pacific Commission.
Pac.SH3.S68 1985
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Fisheries technical paper
IN |
Fisheries techniques
SH332.F575 1996
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Fisheries technologies for developing countries : report of an Ad Hoc Panel of the Board on Science and Technology for International Development
National Research Council (U.S.). Office of International Affairs.
Pac.SH334.7.N37 1988
IN |
Fisheries training
IN |
Fisheries training directory : training opportunities available to the fisheries sector and Pacific island countries = Catalogue de la formation halieutique : possibilités de formation offertes au secteur des péches des pays océaniens
Fisheries training directory : training opportunities available to the fisheries sector of Pacific Island countries = Catalogue de la formation halieutique : possibiliteÌ?s de formation offertes au secteur des peÌ‚ches des pays oceÌàniens
Pac.SH332.2.03.F57 1993
IN |
Fisheries treaty with certain Pacific island states : message from the President of the United States transmitting the Treaty on Fisheries..., with annexes and agreed statement, signed on April 2, 1987
Treaty on Fisheries between the Government of Certain Pacific Island States and the Government of the United States, April 2, 1987.
PAC.SH319.A1T88 1987
IN |
The fisherman
Havenhand, I.
CRC Juv.H29
IN |
Fishermen of South Thailand : the Malay villagers
Fraser, Thomas M.
DS570.M3F7 1966
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Fishermen of the Pacific Islands
Fishermen's manual
Chapman, L., [et al]. (Lindsay)
Pac.QL636.5.C32 2006
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