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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Lily and Miss Liberty Stevens, Carla. CRC Juv.S84 1992 IN
Book Lily : Tiana's helpful kitten Redbak, Tennant, author. CRC PZ7.R24455 2016 OUT
Book Lily White : a novel Isaacs, Susan, 1943- PS3559.S15L54 1996 IN
Book Limad oh liping Sebastian, Bismark Pac.PL6295.Z77S2 2002 IN
Book Limahong Jouglet, René, 1884- Pac. PQ2619.O754J82 1936 IN
Book Limitations Turow, Scott. PS3570.U754L56 2006 IN
Book Limited current and biological study in the Tuanmokot Channel, Ponape Tsuda, Roy T. Pac.TD624.P7T8 c.3 IN
Book Limited current and underwater biological survey at the point Gabert wastewater outfall on Moen, Truk Tsuda, Roy T. Pac.TD624.M6T7 IN
Book Limited current and underwater biological survey at the proposed fishery complex site on Tol Island, Truk Clayshulte, Russell N. Pac.QH541.5.C7 L56 IN
Book Limited current and underwater biological survey of proposed Truk tuna fishery complex, Dublon Island, Truk Pac.QH541.5.T7L55 IN
Book Limited current and underwater biological survey of the Donitsch Island sewer outfall site, Yap, Western Caroline Islands Amesbury, Steven S. Pac.TD624.Y3A5 IN
Book Limited current and underwater biological surveys of proposed sewer outfall sites in the Marshall Island district : Darrit-Uliga-Dalap area, Majuro atoll Amesbury, Steven S. Pac.TD624.M34A52 IN
Book Limited current and underwater biological surveys of proposed sewer outfall sites in the Marshall Island District : Ebeye, Kwajalein atoll ; Limited current and underwater biological surveys of proposed sewer outfall sites in the Marshall Island District : Darrit-Uliga-Dalap area, Majuro atoll Amesbury, Steven S. Pac.TD624.M34A52 IN
Book Limits in the seas International boundary study. Series A, Limits in the seas. Pac.JX4131.U59 IN
Book The limits of power : America's role in the world McCarthy, Eugene J., 1916- Pac.E744.M15 IN
Book The limits of scripture : Vivekananda's reinterpretation of the Vedas Rambachan, Anantanand, 1951- BL1280.292.V58R35 1994 IN
Book The Limpopo Academy of Private Detection McCall Smith, Alexander, 1948- PR6063.C326L56 2012 IN
Book L'impressionnisme. English ND547.5 .I4I4513 1973 IN
Serial Limu after harvest : maintaining the quality and extending the shelf life of seaweed species (Graileria spp.) popular in Hawaii
 2 The limu eater : a cookbook of Hawaiian seaweed
Book Limu: the blue turtle Armitage, Kimo CRC PZ10.3.A1 2004 IN
Serial Lin chan pin FAO.HD9750.4.Y4 IN
Book Lincoln Boyhood. United States National Park Service Gov.I29.155:L 63/3/2012 IN
Book Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial, Indiana. United States National Park Service Gov.I29.155:L 63/3/2012 IN
Book Lincoln D. Chafee, U.S. Senator from Rhode Island, tributes in the Congress of the United States Gov.Y1.1/3:109-28 IN
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