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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book The Pacific crest trail Gray, William R., 1946- Pac.F851.G8 1975 IN
Book Pacific : crossroads for culture and nature Pacific Science Inter-Congress (7th : 1993 : Okinawa-shi, Japan). Pac.Q127.P23P29 1993b IN
Book Pacific crustacea : an illustrated handbook on the reef-dwelling crustacea of Hawaii and the South Seas Tinker, Spencer Wilkie. Pac.QL441.8T5 c.3 IN
Book Pacific cultural mapping, planning and policy toolkit. French Teaiwa, Katerina Martina. Pac.GN662.T425 2012 IN
Book Pacific Cultural Mapping, Planning, and Policy Toolkit / Katerina Martina Teaiwa Teaiwa, Katerina Martina. Pac.HD9999.C9473T43 2011 IN
Book Pacific cultures and sustainability. Hooper, Antony. Pac.HC681.AlE27 no.1 IN
Serial Pacific daily news.
Book Pacific data summary for the Micronesian delegates to the Pacific Islands conference : the Pacific way. Pac.HC683.P32 1980 IN
Book Pacific defense strategy: an exclusive series of 4 articles Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony, 1939- Pac.UA830.B38 IN
Book The Pacific dependencies of the United States Coulter, John Wesley, 1893-1967. Pac.F970.C6 1957 IN
Book Pacific destiny; an informal history of the U.S. in the Far East: 1776-1968. O'Connor, Richard, 1915-1975. Pac.DS518.8.O26 1969 IN
Book Pacific development perspectives: meeting our diverse goals Pac.DU510.P33 2009 IN
Book Pacific development sustained : policy for Pacific environments Hunt, Colin. Pac.HC681.3.E5H86 1998 IN
Book Pacific diabetes today: lessons learned Pac.RA645.D5P11 2003 IN
Book Pacific diaspora : island peoples in the United States and across the Pacific Pac.E184.P25P34 2002 IN
 3 Pacific Disaster Center.
Book Pacific disaster center (PDC) : concept of operations Pac.HV551.3.P33 IN
Book Pacific Dugongs Pac.S938.S437 IN
Serial Pacific ecologist Pac.Per.S900.P33 2007/2008 IN
 3 Pacific economic bulletin.
Serial Pacific Economic Bulletin 2008 vol. 23:3
Serial Pacific Economic Bulletin 2009 vol. 24:2
Book Pacific economic policy : to invest or to protect Pollard, Stephen (Stephen J.) Pac.HC68l.AlE27 no.ll IN
Book Pacific economic report Pac.HC681.A1P356 1998 IN
Book Pacific economies Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Unit. East Asia and Pacific Region. Pac.HC681.E545 1998 IN
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