Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
Women two thousand and beyond
Doc.HQ1240.W63 2008
IN |
Women watching television : gender, class, and generation in the American television experience
Press, Andrea Lee.
PN1992.8.W65P92 1991
IN |
Women who ruled
Jackson, Guida M.
Ref.D107.J33 1990
IN |
Women who run with the wolves : myths and stories of the wild woman archetype
Est†s, Clarissa Pinkola.
GR470.E88 1992
IN |
Women work the web : finding an edge in the dotcom world
Coolidge, Shelley Donald.
VF 125 COO 2000
IN |
Women's associations in the rural economy of the South Pacific : case studies from Western Samoa and East New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea
Meleisea, Penelope Schoeffel.
Pac.HQ1868.7.S36 1983
IN |
The women's bank of Bangladesh.
MITC VC 1004
IN |
Women's changing roles in Micronesia
IN |
Women's control over economic resources and access to financial resources
Khalaf, M.
Doc.HQ1240.5.M628K43 2009
IN |
Women's control over economic resources and access to financial resources, including microfinance : 2009 world survey on the role of women in development
Doc.HQ1240.W66724 2009
IN |
Women's Day!
Women's economic participation in five Pacific island countries
Women's education and economic development in Melanesia.
Gannicott, K. G. (Ken G.)
Pac.LC2571.M5G36 1994
IN |
Women's entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe and CIS countries.
Doc.HD6054.4.E852W66 2003
IN |
Women's experiences of travel worldwide
G151.H356 1986
IN |
Women's expert group planning meeting (Noumea, New Caledonia, 11-13 December 1996) : report.
Women's Expert Group Planning Meeting (1996 : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Pac.HQ1865.5.O3A436 1996
IN |
Women's firsts
Ref.CT3203.W66 1996
IN |
Women's goals for 1995.
Women's health care in advanced practice nursing
RT42.W84 2008
IN |
Women's initiative for HIV care and reduction of perinatal HIV transmission (WIN) program findings
Gov.HE 20.9502
IN |
Women's interests training seminar : report
South Pacific Commission.
Pac.HQ1885.W6 1961a
IN |
Women's interests training seminar : technical papers
South Pacific Commission.
Pac. HQ1885 W6 1961c.1
IN |
Women's lives, women's work : culture and development in the Pacific
Pac.HQ1240.5.P32W65 1999
IN |
Women's news
Pac.Per HQ1865.6.A4 1996 v.10
IN |
Women's News 1991 Sept. Quarterly Newsletter of the Pacific Women's Resource Bureau.