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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Health economics for developing countries : a practical guide BTL RA410.55.H35 2000 box 130 IN
Book A health economics primer Johnson-Lans, Shirley. RA410.J63 2006 IN
Book Health education: A study unit on Fecal borne diseases and parasites Corwin, Merry Lee ARC. TTPI 10 IN
Book Health education and health promotion in the Pacific islands : background to the Pacific island countries and territories health education and health promotion declaration, Noumea, 1997 Gagliardi, Josephine. Pac.RA557.G34 1997 IN
Book Health education and health promotion: learner-centered instructional strategies Greenberg, Jerrold S. RA440.5.G74 2004 IN
Book Health education in the South Pacific : present progress and future development Loison, Guy, 1913- Pac.RA557.L65 1956 IN
Mixed Health education summer activities 1975. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Education.
 2 The health effects of kava/sakau and betel nut
 2 Health effects of marijuana: a review
Book Health effects of modernization in Palau Labarthe, Darwin. Pac.RA558P3L3 IN
Mixed The health effects of radioactive fallout on Marshall Islanders : health policy issues of nuclear weapons production. Hamilton, Thomas E., M.D., Ph.D. VerF 0565.91 Pac IN
Book Health expenditures and their financing for the indicative development plan Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Pac.RA376.P33 1976 IN
Mixed Health [files]. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory).
Book Health for Micronesia : Teacher's guide ARC. TTPI 04 IN
Video Health for the Americans (10 min.) MITC VC 208 OUT
Book A health handbook for women with disabilities Maxwell, Jane, 1941- RA564.88.M39 2006 IN
Book Health hints for the tropics : supplement to Tropical Medicine and Hygiene News American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Pac.RC961.5.A3 1964 IN
Book Health implications of economic policies : a framework of analysis Anand, Sudhir, 1946- Doc. HD 72 D3 IN
Serial Health in Micronesia ove the years
Mixed Health in our environment.
Serial Health in Palau & Micronesia Pac.Per.RA557.P33 2005 March IN
 2 Health in the Pacific
Book Health inequality monitoring RA408.5.H36 2013 IN
Book Health informatics : an overview R858.H348 2010 IN
Mixed Health information and surveillance systems in the Federated States of Micronesia. Elymore, Amato. VerF 0501.98 Pac IN
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