Title |
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Call Number |
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Innovation leaders : how senior executives stimulate, steer and sustain innovation
Deschamps, Jean Philippe.
HD53.D47 2008
IN |
The innovation of a saving institution on Moen Island, Truk : a preliminary report
Pac GN 4 A55 no.55
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The innovation of a savings institution on Moen Island : a preliminary report
Innovation of education in remote islands to affect a request of the present age = Atarashii jidai no yosei ni kotaeru rito kyoiku no kakushin : Tatoiki Foramu Shinpojumu, Ryukyu, Kagoshima, Nagasaki, sandaigaku renkei jigyo
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Innovation performance review of Armenia
Doc.T27.A75I55 2014
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Innovation performance review of Belarus
Doc.T26.B38I55 2011
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Innovation performance review of Kazakhstan
Doc.T27.K3I56 2012
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Innovation performance review of Tajikistan
Doc.T27.T3I46 2015
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Innovation performance review Tajikistan
Doc.T27.T3I46 2015
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Innovations in astronomy
QB43.2 .I56 1999
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Innovations in biology
QH307.2 I56 1999
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Innovations in earth sciences
QE26.2.I56 1999
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Innovations in food labelling
FAO.TP374.5.I55 2010
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Innovations in governance and public administration : replicating what works
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Doc.JF1351.I526 2006
IN |
Innovations in governance in the Middle East, North Africa, and Western Balkans : making governments work better in the Mediterranean region
Doc.JF1351.I525 2007
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An innovative accounting framework for the food-energy-water nexus : application of the MuSIASEM approach to three case studies
FAO.HD9000.9.A1I55 2013
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Innovative agriculture technologies & alternative crops for the Pacific Islands
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Innovative biological technologies for lesser developed countries : workshop proceedings.
Pac.S494.5.I5I56 1985
IN |
Innovative experiences.
Innovative institutions, public policies and private strategies for agro-enterprise development
FAO.HD9018.D44I5 2015
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Innovative methodologies in population education in the Pacific : a report of a regional workshop 23-28 September 1991. Nuku'alofa, Tonga
Pac.HB850.5.O3I56a 1992
IN |
Innovative methodologies in population education in the Pacific : sample lessons
Pac.HB850.5.O3I56 1992
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Innovative model fusing conservation of biological and cultural diversity with regional revitalization in the Amami archipelago
Pac.Per.Q1.A1O23 2024 no.64
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Innovative policies and institutions to support agro-industries development
FAO.HD9018.D44I56 2011
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Innovative technology in the Russian forest sector : the way to the green economy
Doc.SD317.I56 2012
IN |