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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book History of the Red Cross Red Crescent Society Pac.HV568.M58 1999 IN
Book History of the SPC. Pac.DU1.S59 2007 IN
Book History of the theatre. Brockett, Oscar Gross, 1923- PN2101.B78 1968 IN
Book History of the U.S. Army Battle Command Training Program, 1986-2003 / by Priscilla Offenhauer, David L. Osborne. Offenhauer, Priscilla. Gov.LC 1.2:B 32 OUT
Book A history of the U.S. Customhouse in New Orleans Wilson, Samuel, 1911- NA4463.N4S8 1982 IN
Serial History of the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : a working paper series of the ninth annual Pacific Islands studies conference proceedings Pac.DU500.P32 1984 IN
Book History of the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : conference proceedings : the ninth annual Pacific islands studies conference Pacific Islands Studies Conference (9th : 1984 : University of Hawaii at Manoa) Pac.DU500.P32 1984 IN
Book History of the United States Army Battle Command Training Program, 1986-2003 Offenhauer, Priscilla. Gov.LC 1.2:B 32 OUT
Book History of the United States Capitol Brown, Glenn, 1854-1932. Gov.Y1.1/2:SERIAL 14909 IN
Book History of the United States Capitol : a chronicle of design, construction, a politics Allen, William C. (William Charles), 1950- Gov.Y1.1/2:SERIAL 14620 IN
Book A history of the United States Customhouse in New Orleans. Wilson, Samuel, 1911- NA4463.N4S8 1982 IN
Book History of the United States House of Representatives, 1789-1994. Gov. Y1.1/2:103-324 IN
 2 History of the world
Book A history of the world in 100 objects. D20.H62 2016 IN
Book History of tuna fishing in Hawaii and the western Pacific Wilson, Peter T., Pac.SH351.T8W548 2011 IN
Book History of United States naval operations in World War II. Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887- Pac.D773.M6 1975 IN
Book History of United States public printing United States. Government Printing Office. Gov.GP 1.2:G 74/7/861-961/2010 IN
Book A history of Wales Davies, John. DA708.W34D38 1993 IN
Book A history of Western educational ideas Lawton, Denis. LB14.7.L39 2002 IN
Book A history of western music Grout, Donald Jay. ML160.G91 1980 IN
 2 A history of western philosophy
Book The history of white people in America Mull, Martin. E169.02.M85 1985 IN
 2 A history of world societies
Book History of Yap. Uag, Raphael. Pac.GR385.Y3Y3 1968 c.6 IN
Book A history of Zionism Laqueur, Walter, 1921- DS149.L315 2003 IN
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