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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Distinguished educators on reading : contributions that have shaped effective literacy instruction LB1576.D47 2000 IN
Book Distortional effects of measurement error on policy inputs : modeling retail demand for electricity Kami, Saia. Pac.HC68l.AlE27 no.7 IN
 2 Distribution, abundance and management of potential commercial holothurians in Pohnpei Lagoon, Federated States of Micronesia
Book Distribution and ecotypic differentiations of wild and cultivated rice species in Africa / M Pac.SB191.R5D57 1990 IN
Book Distribution and exploration for germplasm of crops in tropical area Pac.Q1.A1O23 1986 IN
Book Distribution and variation of the Hawaiian tree snail Achatinella apexfulva Dixon in the Koolau range, Oahu, Welch, d'AlteŽ A. (d'AlteŽ Aldridge), 1907-1970. Pac.QL430.5.A2W42 1942 IN
Book Distribution, ecology and management of Chromolaena odorata = Repartition, ecologie et gestion de Chromolaena odorata : proceedings of the Third International Chromolaena Workshop : proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Biological Control and Management of Chromolaena Odorata Pac.SB615.C45D57 1996 IN
Serial Distribution of citrus species on Pohnpei Island of the FSM
Book Distribution of Federal funds to U.S. Pacific Territories, FY1979. Academy for Educational Development, Inc. Pac.HC687.P41A33 IN
Book The distribution of food and money in Moen, Truk Berland, Joseph C. Pac.DU568.T7B47 1969 IN
Book Distribution of recent benthic forminifera off the Pacific coast of Mexico and Central America Culver, Stephen J. Gov. SI 1.41:30 IN
Book Distribution of seagrasses in Micronesia
Mixed The distribution of spirit possession and trance in Micronesia Dobbin, Jay D. VerF 0732.01 IN
Mixed District Administrations communications. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the District Administrations. Ponape District.
Book The District Fishery Authority, as provided for in Public Law 5-21. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Resources and Development. Pac.SH327.T7A15 IN
Book District laboratory practice in tropical countries. Cheesbrough, Monica. BTL RC961.5.C41 2006 IN
Mixed District law. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Mariana Inslands District Legislature.
Mixed District Legislature. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the District Administrator. Ponape District.
Serial District of Columbia, 2000. 2000 census of population and housing. Gov.C3.223/23:2000PH-2-10 IN
Book district of Micronesia McGrath, W. A. (William A.) Pac.JV9300.P3M33 IN
 2 District order.
Mixed District orders. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the District Administrator. Yap District.
Serial District panorama Pac.DU500.A2M37 IN
Book District project planning and implementation of development plans in Micronesia Allan, W.A. Pac.HC681.A5A45 1978 IN
Book Districting a new legislature in Micronesia. Meller, Norman. VerF 0200.67 Pac. IN
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