Title |
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Call Number |
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Working papers presented at the second session held in Colombo, Ceylon, 30 November to 8 December, 1964.
FAO Technical Working Party on Coconut Production, Protection and Processing. (2nd : 1964: Colombo: Ceylon).
Pac.SB401.C6F66 1966
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Working papers : Twenty-first SPREP Meeting, 06-10 September 2010, Madang, Papua New Guinea
Pac.HJ2199.W4W89 2010
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Working policy paper for the Department of Women's affairs.
IN |
Working principles for risk analysis for food safety for application by governments = Principes de travail pour l'analyse des risques en matie`re de se´curite´ sanitaire des aliments destine´s a´ e^tre applique´s par les gouvernements = Principios pra´cticos sobre sl ana´lisis de riesgos para la inocuidad de los alimentos aplicables por los gobiernos
Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission.
Working smart : how to accomplish more in half the time
LeBoeuf, Michael.
BJ1581.2.L39 1979
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Working together : diversity as opportunity
HF5549.5.M5W672 2001
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Working together for health.
RA8.A265W89 2006
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Working together : reading and writing in inclusive classrooms
Scala, Marilyn C., 1942-
LC3973.S32 2001
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Working with children from culturally diverse backgrounds
Klein, M. Diane.
LB1139.25.K58 2001
Working with children in the early years
LB1139.3.G7W67 2003
IN |
Working with emotional intelligence
Goleman, Daniel.
HD38.2.G58 1998
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Working with faculty to design undergraduate information literacy programs : a how-to-do-it manual for librarians
Young, Rosemary, 1950-
Z711.2.Y68 1999
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Working with local institutions to support sustainable livelihoods
Marsh, Robin Ruth.
FAO.HN49.C6M328 2003
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Working with Pacific communities for our environment.
Secretariat of the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme.
Working with stress
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Working with the aged : practical approaches in the institution and community
Weiner, Marcella Bakur, 1925-
RC954.W39 1987
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Working with words : a concise guide for media writers and editors
Brooks, Brian S.
PN4775.B725 1989
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Working with young children
Herr, Judy.
HQ778.63.H47 2002
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Working with young people on sexual health and HIV/AIDS.
RA644.A25W663 1996
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Working women
MITC VC 1306
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Working wrongly and seeking the straight : remedial remedies on Enewetak Atoll
Carucci, Laurence Marshall
Workplace Hustle.
IN |
Workplace violence : issues in response
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Works. Dutch & Latin.
Spinoza, Benedictus de, 1632-1677.
B3958.S5 2002
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