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Book Proceedings of a WKC Consultative Meeting on Health Planning and Delivery at City Level : 25-27 November 2003, Kobe, Japan. WKC Consultative Meeting on Health Planning and Delivery at City Level (2003 : Kobe-shi, Japan) RA566.7.W533 2004 IN
Book Proceedings of an expert group meeting held by FIG Commission 7 on and 9 December 2005 at the UN-ESCAP headquarters, Bangkok, Thailand : Secure land tenure:'new legal frameworks and tools in Asia and the Pacific International Federation of Surveyors Pac.TA501.I7 2006 IN
Serial Proceedings of Environmental Education and Training Conference, 1998 Pacific Regional Conference for Environmental Education and Training (1998 : Suva, Fiji) Pac.GE70.P33 1998 IN
Book Proceedings of evaluability assessment workshops on propduction, marketing and utilization of local produce College of Micronesia Land Grant Programs. Pac.S495.C67J33 IN
Book Proceedings of First Regional Workshop for Nutritionists, Dietitians, and Nutrition Educators : planning, implementing, and evaluating nutrition education programmes, Noumea, New Caledonia, 22-26 April, 1991 Regional Workshop for Nutritionists, Dietitians, and Nutrition Educators (1st : 1991 : Nouméa, New Caledonia). Pac.DU1.S5783 1981 IN
Mixed [Proceedings of H.M.S "Rosario" in the South Sea Islands : criminal acts of Mr. W.H. Hayes, master of the Brig "Leonora"]. From: Queensland Government Gazette, vol. xvii, no. 96, 28th August 1875. VerF 0605.1875 Pac IN
Book Proceedings of Heads of Forestry Meeting, 21-25 September 1992, Apia, Western Samoa Heads of Forestry Meeting (3rd : 1992 : Apia, Samoa) Pac.SD246.O3H43 1992 IN
Serial [Proceedings of Micronesian Future Political Status Negotiations and Reports to the Congress of Micronesia] Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Congress of Micronesia. Joint Committee on Future Status. Pac.JQ6451.A5T7 1972 IN
Book Proceedings of Pacific Basin Management of the 200-Nautical Mile Exclusive Economic Zone : a partnership of government and private sectors Pacific Basin Management of the 200-Nautical Mile Exclusive Economic Zone Conference (1987 : Honolulu, Hawaii). Pac.JX4144.5.P33 1988 IN
Book Proceedings of Pacific Conference of Legislators Pacific Conference of Legislators. Pac.J981.M5C3 1974 IN
Book Proceedings of second Global Symposium on Health and Welfare Systems Development in the 21st Century, Kobe, Japan, 29-31 October 2001 Global Symposium on Health and Welfare Systems Development in the 21st Century (2nd : 2001 : Kobe, Japan) RA422.G56 2001 IN
Book Proceedings of State of the Pacific Basin: economic, political and socio-cultural dimensions, November l-3, l989, Kapalua Bay Hotel Pac.DU28.3.P76 l990 IN
Mixed Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Breadfruit Research and Development : $bNadi, Fiji, April 16-19, 2007 International Symposium on Breadfruit Research and Development (1st : 2007 : Nadi, Fiji) Pac.SB41.A3 2007 IN
Book Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Breadfruit Research and Development : Nadi, Fiji, April 16-19, 2007 International Symposium on Breadfruit Research and Development (lst : 2007 : Nadi, Fiji). Pac.SB379.B8I57 2007 IN
Book Proceedings of the 1st Pacific Regional HIV/AIDS and STD Conference. Pacific Regional HIV/AIDS and STD Conference (1st: 1999 : Nadi, Fiji Islands). Pac.RA644.A25P32 IN
Book Proceedings of the 2nd FSM Economic Summit : September 13-17, 1999, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia. Federated States of Micronesia Economic Summit (2nd : 1999 : Pohnpei, Micronesia) Pac.HC681.7.F31 1999 IN
Book Proceedings of the 4th IFOAM-Asia "99 scientific conference : people first in Asia organic agriculture, 18-21 November 1999, Development Academy of the Philippines, Tagaytay City, Philippines Pac.S605.5.P76 1999 IN
 2 Proceedings of the 5th International Mango Symposium.
Book Proceedings of the 5th session : Rarotonga, Cook Ilsnads, 2-8 November 1976 including report of the fifth session of its technical advisory group Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in South Pacific Offshore Areas (CCOP/SOPAC). Pac.GC1025.C73 1976 IN
Book Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Islands Area Seminar in Hawaii, U.S.A. Pacific Islands Area Seminar (6th : 1995 : Honolulu, Hawaii) Pac.G155.O25P12 1995 IN
Book Proceedings of the 7th Asian-Pacific Cultural Scholar's Convention Asian-Pacific Cultural Scholars' Convention (7th: 1984: Tokyo, Japan) Pac.L107.A2A8 1984 IN
Book Proceedings of the 8th Asian-Pacific Cultural Scholars' Convention. Asian-Pacific Cultural Scholars' Convention | (8th : 1986 : Taipei, Taiwan). Pac.DU28.35.A85 1986 IN
Book Proceedings of the 10th Asian-Pacific Cultural Scholars' Convention Asian-Pacific Cultural Scholars' Convention (10th : 1992 : Tokyo, Japan) Pac.P92.A7A8 1992 IN
Book Proceedings of the 10th session : Port Vila, Vanuatu, 6-14 October 1981 Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in South Pacific Offshore Areas (CCOP/SOPAC). Pac.GC1025.C73 1982 IN
Book Proceedings of the 17th general assembly and the 31st council meeting, Dec. 14-18, 1981, Tokyo, Japan. Asian-Pacific Parliamentarian's Union. (17th : 1981 : Tokyo, Japan) Pac.JF501.A65 1981 IN
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