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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Intellectual property : the real story Huang, Wei KNQ1155.H86 2007 IN
Book Intellectuals Johnson, Paul, 1928- HM213.J64 1988 IN
Book Intelligence activities in Pohnpei. Intelligence Center. Pacific Ocean Areas. Pac.UB250.C3E53 IN
Book Intelligence and the end of the Cold War Symposium on Ronald Reagan, Intelligence and the End of the Cold War (2011 : Ronald Reagan Presidential Library) Gov.PREX3.22:R22/2011 IN
Book The intelligence archipelago : the community's struggle to reform in the globalized era Gutjahr, Melanie M. H. Gov.D5.202:IN8/8 IN
Serial Intelligence community legal reference book. Gov.PREX 28.2:L 52 IN
Book Intelligence gathering in the Pacific Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony, 1939- Pac.UB251.O3B33 IN
Book Intelligence in war : knowledge of the enemy from Napoleon to al-Qaida Keegan, John, 1934- UB250.K25 2003 IN
Book Intelligence professionalism in the Americas = Profesionalismo de inteligencia en las Americas Gov.D5.2002:IN 8/7/ENG./SPAN. IN
Book Intelligence reframed : multiple intelligences for the 21st century Gardner, Howard BF432.3.G17 1999 IN
Book Intelligence report on Ant and Pakin Islands. [United States. Army. Chief of Engineers]. Pac.DU568.P7U1 1944 IN
Serial Intelligence testing in Guam : reconstructuring Western minds within Micronesian cultures
Book Intelligent man's guide to science Asimov, Isaac, 1920- Q162.A4 1965 OUT
Book The intelligent professor's guide to teaching Champagne, David W. LB1025.2.C52 1995 IN
Book The intelligibility of nature : how science makes sense of the world Dear, Peter Robert. Q175.32.R45D43 2006 IN
Book Intensive archaeological survey of the RS-3 circumferential road corridor, Okat Valley, Kosrae, Eastern Caroline Islands, Micronesia Welch, David J. [et. al.], 1946- Pac..DU568.K673W44 IN
Video Intensive english program (IEP) MITC DVD 874 IN
Book Intent to harm Washburn, Stan. PB WAS 1995 IN
Book Intentions and capabilities : estimates on Soviet strategic foreces, 1950-1983 Gov.PREX3.17:IN8 IN
Book Inter-active satellite education in the Western Pacific Islands. Pac.LC435.M5C63 1982 IN
Book Inter-Agency Meeting on Training for Women. Inter-agency Meeting on Training for Women (1989 : Suva, Fiji) Pac.HQ1865.6 I67 1989 IN
Serial Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission. Pac.Per.QL614.I52 1987 v.21:3 IN
Book Inter-country institutional arrangements for economic and technical co-operation among developing Asian and Pacific countries Pac.AS408.I46 1981 v.3 IN
Book Inter-governmental meeting on the UNDP Inter-Country programme: 1982-86 Apia, Western Samoa, 21-26 November 1980 : report United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Pac.HC412.U65 1982 IN
Book Interacting systems in development Ebert, James David, 1921- QL955.E3 1970 IN
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