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Spatial and temporal distributions of juvenile tunas from stomachs of tunas caught by Pole-and-line gear in the Central and Western Pacific Ocean
Arque, A. W.
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Spatial and temporal patterns of fire on Saipan, CNMI
Bubb, Ilan E.
Spawning aggregation survey in the Federated States of Micronesia
Rhodes, Kevin L. Ph.D.
Pac.QL620.45.R46 2003
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Spawning and early larval rearing of giant clams.
Spawning and early larval rearing of giant clams (Bivalvia: Tridacnidae)
Ellis, Simon.
Pac.SH373.E44 1996
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Spawning and production of the Lemon tetra Hyphessobrycon pulchrippinis
Cole, Brian
Pac.QL623.6.C65 1999
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Spawning the tinfoil barb, Barbodes schwannfeldi in Hawaii
Pac.Per.SH373.E446 1999 Jan
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Pac.Z4501.S78 1989
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SPBCP conservation areas ; report.
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation in SPBCP Conservation Areas Workshop (1996 : Apia, Western Samoa).
Pac.QH75.P3.P32 1998
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South Pacific Consumer Protection Programme.
Pac.TX360.O3S68 1998
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SPC agricultural news.
SPC and the Pacific plan : January 2006-June 2009: achievements, challenges and targets
Secretariat of the Pacific Community.
Pac.HC681.S3 2009
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SPC and the Pacific plan : January 2009-June 2010: achievements, challenges and targets
Secretariat of the Pacific Community.
Pac.HC681.S3 2010
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SPC and the Pacific plan : July 2010-June 2011: achievements, challenges and targets
Secretariat of the Pacific Community.
Pac.HC681.S3 2011
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SPC annual report.
Secretariat of the Pacific Community.
Pac.Per.DU1.S584 2002
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SPC aquaculture action plan 2007
Secretariat of the Pacific Community.
Pac.SH133.O24S8 2007
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SPC building burns to the ground in Pohnpei.
SPC/CIRAD regional tropical fruit meeting : report of meeting: 20-24 July 1998
Pac.SB354.6.O24S42 1998
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SPC Conference/Koror, Palau/2005.
Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Conference.
SPC Demography/population discussion papers.
Liava'a, Viliami
Pac.HB1954.3.L62 2000
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SPC division of fisheries, Aquaculture and marine ecosystems (FAME) : strategic plan 2010-2013
SPC/ESCAP Expert Working Group on Census Design : Noumea, new Caledonia, 24-26 April 1989 : report.
SPC/ESCAP Expert Working Group on Census Design (1989 : Noumea, New Caledonia)
Pac.HA37.O32S17 1989
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SPC factsheet.
SPC/FAO Training Workshop in Fisheries Management and Statistics, Nadi, Fiji Islands, 15-19 November 2004 : report
SPC/FAO Training Workshop in Fisheries Management and Statistics (2002 : Nadi, Fiji).
Pac.SH328.S63 2005
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SPC fisheries address book = Répertoire des pêches de la CPS :20..
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