View previous page View next page Title Search: Weighing the evidence : program and proceedings, 21-24 September 1999
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book What the face reveals : basic and applied studies of spontaneous expression using the facial action coding system (FACS) BF592.F33W43 1997 IN
Video What the tides bring : mangroves in Fiji. MITC VC 655 IN
Book What the world eats Menzel, Peter, 1948- CRC TX353.M52 2008 IN
Video What tides bring MITC DVD 1466 IN
Book What to expect the first year Eisenberg, Arlene. HQ774.E47 1989 IN
Book What to expect when you're expecting Murkoff, Heidi Eisenberg. RG525.M87 2002 IN
Book What to look for in a classroom : and other essays Kohn, Alfie. LB1775.K643 1998 IN
Book What to read when : the books and stories to read with your child and all the best times to read them Allyn, Pam. LB1139.5.R43A5 2009 IN
Book What to say to get what you want : strong words for 44 challenging types of bosses, employees, coworkers, and customers Deep, Samuel D. HF5381.D423 1992 IN
Book What we learned in the rainforest : business lessons from nature : innovation, growth, profit, and sustainability at 20 of the world's top companies Kiuchi, Tachi, 1935- HD75.6.K577 2002 IN
Book What we should know about the people we do not know. Gladwell, Malcolm, 1963- author. HM1106.G585 2019 IN
Book What we should know about the people we don't know. Gladwell, Malcolm, 1963- author. HM1106.G585 2019 IN
Book What we use : how people use materials. CRC Q181.S338te 1995 Gr.K:6 IN
Mixed What went wrong? Micronesia-our sacred trust Hills, Howard VerF.108 Pac. IN
Book What went wrong? : Western impact and Middle Eastern response Lewis, Bernard. DS62.4.L488 2002 IN
Book What were the Ponapeans voting against? : Ponape-FSM relations and the vote for independence in the 1983 plebiscite Petersen, Glenn Thomas. Pac.JQ6240.A5P38 1985? IN
Book What will Dad do? MacDonald, Steven. CRC Pic.M32 2000 IN
Video What women wants. MITC DVD 1135 IN
Book What woodfuels can do to mitigate climate change. FAO.SD1.F5 no.162 IN
Book What works : research about teaching and learning LB1031.W45U52 1986 OUT
Book What works : research-based best practices in developmental education Boylan, Hunter R. LB1029.B71 2002 IN
Serial What you need to know about bladder cancer. Gov.HE20.3152:B56/2/2001 IN
Serial What you need to know about breast cancer. Gov.HE20.3152:B74/6/2000 IN
Serial What you need to know about cancer. Gov.HE20.3152:C16/13/2000 IN
Serial What you need to know about, cancer of the colon and rectum. Gov.HE20.3152:C71/2/999 IN
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