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Serial FSM moves to dismiss counterclaims of GMP Hawaii.
 2 FSM National Anthem.
Book FSM National Department of Education college entry skills conference, Palikir, Pohnpei, August 12-14, 1996 : summary and recommendations University of Guam. Micronesian Language Institute. Pac.LA2270.M5U1 1996 IN
Book FSM national detailed tables : 2000 FSM census of population and housing : corrected version. Pac.HA4007.F34A4 2002c IN
Book FSM national detailed tables : 2000 FSM census of population and housing : errata. Pac.HA4007.F34A4 2002 May c.2 IN
Book FSM National Government Employees Health Insurance Plan financial statements and supplementary information: 2nd quarter ending March 31, 1998 Pac.JQ6240.A69H45 1998 IN
Book FSM National Government Employees Health Insurance Plan (NGEHIP) financial statements and supplementary information: year ended September 30, 1995 Pac.JQ6240.A69H45 1996 IN
Book FSM National Government executive budget review committee (EBRC) fiscal year 2003. Federated States of Micronesia Department of Finance and Administration. Pac.HJ2210.6.F31 2002 IN
Book FSM National Government executive budget review committee (EBRC) fiscal year 2004. Federated States of Micronesia Department of Finance and Administration. Pac.HJ2210.6.F31 2003 IN
Serial FSM National Government fiscal year 2000 proposed budget. Micronesia (Federated States) National Government. Pac.HJ98.2.A2M58p 2000 IN
Serial FSM National Government fiscal year 2006 proposed budget. Micronesia (Federated States) National Government. Pac.HJ98.2.A2M58 2005 IN
Serial FSM National Government FY 2000 approved budget. Micronesia (Federated States) National Government. Pac.HJ98.2.A2M58a 2000 IN
Serial FSM National Government proposed budget FY 2001. Micronesia (Federated States) National Government. Pac.HJ98.2.A2M58p 2001 IN
Book FSM National Government Students Financial Assistance Program : audit report. Micronesia (Federated States) Office of the Public Auditor Pac.LB2340.4.M625M53 1990 IN
Book FSM national government tax, service fees, and other local revenue Micronesia (Federated States). Division of Revenue. Pac.HJ98.2.A36 1995 IN
Book FSM national health care plan (assisted capitation model), September 9, 1986. Pac.RA394.9.F31 1986 IN
Book FSM National Judiciary and the Supreme Court of the FSM 25th anniversary in review. Pac.KTF.M5S87 2006 IN
Video FSM national law day debates MITC DVD 707 B IN
Book FSM National Law Day debates : July 12, 1991, Palikir, Pohnpei, FSM. Pac.PN4191.M625F6 1991 IN
Book FSM Nationwide Education Summit. Pac.LB1564.M625R22 IN
Serial FSM news.
Serial FSM notifies parties to the Montreal Protocol on Substance to Deplete the Ozone Layer urging new measures to strengthen the treaty.
Mixed FSM Occupational information coordinating committee (FSMOICC).
Book FSM/OFCF fisheries colloquium : proceedings March 13-15, 1989 Pac.SH319.M37F1 1989 IN
Serial FSM olympic swimmers receive training scholarships / photo and story by Jim Tobin.
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