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Student's workshop survey and LASSI/LSI/Career games results
College of Micronesia-FSM Student Support Services.
Studienreise nach den Zentral- und Westkarolinen.
Krämer, Augustin, 1865-1941.
IN |
Studies and reviews
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Studies from epidemiology training : workshops in Tonga
Pac.RA650.55.T61 1985
IN |
Studies in circumpacific culture relations.
Birket-Smith, Kaj, 1893-
IN |
Studies in cognitive growth : a collaboration at the Center for Cognitive Studies
Bruner, Jerome S. (Jerome Seymour)
BF723.C5B5 2002
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Studies in early Chinese philosophy
Goldin, Paul Rakita, 1972-
B126.G65 2005
IN |
Studies in Gymnomyzinae (Diptera, Ephydridae), II : a revision of the shore fly subgenus Pseudohecamede Hendel of the genus Allotrichoma Becker
Mathis, Wayne N.
Gov. SI 1.27:522
IN |
Studies in Hawaiian Dorilaidae (Diptera).
Hardy, D. Elmo.
Pac.S399.E8 no.274
IN |
Studies in Hawaiian fruit flies.
Hardy, D. Elmo.
Pac.S399.E8 no. 101-200
IN |
Studies in individual differences: the search for intelligence
Jenkins, James J., ed.
BF431.S9 1961
IN |
Studies in intelligence.
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Studies in metaphysics
BD111.O95 2004
IN |
Studies in Oceanic culture history. : Papers presented at Wenner- Gren Symposium on Oceanic Culture History, Sigatoka, Fiji, August, 1969.
Green, Roger Curtis.
Pac. GN4 .P32 1971 no.12 c.2
IN |
Studies in Pacific Bibionidae (Diptera) Part I
Pac.S399.E8 no.273
IN |
Studies in Pacific Bibionidae (Diptera) Part II: Genus Philia Meigen
Hardy, D. Elmo
Pac.S399.E8 no264
IN |
Studies in Taiwanese folktales.
Eberhard, Wolfram, 1909-
IN |
Studies in the anthropolgy of Oceania and Asia, presented in memory of Roland Burrage Dixon
Studies in the anthropology of Bougainville, Solomon Islands
Oliver, Douglas L.
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Studies of anti-adult T-cell leukemia associated antigen antibodies and some hamatological findings in inhabitants in the Federated States of MicronesiA
VerF 0126.86 Pac
IN |
Studies of dietary intake and the expenditure of energy by New Guineans.
Hipsley, Eben H.
Pac.DU1.S586 no.147
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Studies of Gymnomyzinae (Diptera: Ephydridae).
Gov. SI 1.27:567
IN |
Studies of Gymnomyzinae (Diptera: Ephydridae), IV : a revision of the shore-fly genus Hecamede Haliday
Mathis, Wayne N.
Gov. SI 1.27:541
IN |
Studies of Halictinae (Apoidea:Halictidae), II : revision of Sphecodogastra Ashmead, floral specialist of Onagraceae
McGinley, Ronald J.
IN |
Studies of Micronesian languages
Sakiyama, Osamu
Pac.PL6192.C65 2004
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