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Book Regional conference on manpower planning, labour recruitment and migration policies, Noumea, New Caledonia (7-11 July 1975) : report. Regional Conference on Manpower Planning, Labour Recruitment and Migration Policies (1975 : Noume†a, New Caledonia) Pac.HD8931.R45 IN
Book Regional Conference on Migration, Employment and Development in the South Pacific, Noumea, New Caledonia, 22-26 February 1982 : report Regional Conference on Migration, Employment, and Development in the South Pacific (1982 : Nouméa, New Caledonia) Pac.HB2152.55.R42 1982 IN
Book Regional Conference on Population Problems, Urbanization, Resettlement and Rural Development, Suva, Fiji, 1-5 December 1975 : report Regional Conference on Population Problems: Urbanization, Resettlement and Rural Development (1975 : Suva, Fiji) Pac.HT149.O3R4 1975 IN
Book Regional consultation on the cultural industries (Suva, Fiji, 6-9 December 2010): report of meeting Pac.HD9999.C947R45 2011 IN
Book Regional cooperation and response actions to climate change in Asia and the Pacific Pac.QC981.8.G56R44 1997 IN
Book Regional cooperation with emphasis on private sector development. Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders (3rd: 1990: Honolulu, Hawaii) Pac.HC681.P297 1990 IN
Book Regional cooperation with emphasis on private sector development : proceedings of the Third Pacific Islands Conference of Leaders, April 9-11, 1990, Big Island of Hawaii, Hawaii Pac.HC681.P297 1992 IN
Book Regional culture strategy : Investing in Pacific cultures 2010-2020 Council of Pacific Arts and Culture Pac.CC135.E84S3 2012 IN
Mixed Regional demographic change in Chuuk State, Federated States of Micronesia Gorenflo, Larry J. VerF 0436.95a Pac c.3 IN
Mixed Regional demographic change in Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia Gorenflo, Larry J. VerF 0436.92 Pac IN
Mixed Regional demographic change in Yap, Federated States of Micronesia Gorenflo, Larry J. VerF 0436.91 Pac c.2 IN
Serial Regional demographical changes in Pohnpei State, Federated States of Micronesia
Book Regional dimensions of the ageing situation. Doc.HQ1061.R395 2008 IN
Book Regional ecosystems survey of the South Pacific area Dahl, Arthus L. Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.179 IN
 3 Regional education conference
Book Regional education seminar : University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Brisbane, Australia, 16th- 27th November, 1959 South Pacific Commission. Pac.LA2001.S62 1959 IN
Book Regional educational laboratory in the Pacific basin area. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Task Force Study Group. Pac.LA2270.M5T734 1966 IN
Book Regional energy committee meeting : Forum Secretariat Headquarters, Suva, 22-24 April 1996 : agreed summary record. Pac.HD9502.O24R44 1996 IN
Book Regional framework for the protection of traditional knowledge and expressions of culture Secretariat of the Pacific Community. Pac.GN357.O25R4 2005? IN
Book Regional framework on the future of primary health care in the Western Pacific. World Health Organization Western Pacific. Pac.RA427.9.W67 2023 IN
Book Regional geography of the United States and Canada McKnight, Tom L. (Tom Lee), 1928- CRC E161.3.M35 1997 IN
Book Regional Heads of Planning Meeting on Sustainable Development, 12-16 June, 1996, Apia, Western Samoa : Meeting report. Regional Heads of Planning Meeting on Sustainable Development (1996 : Apia, Samoa). Pac.HC79.E5 R43 1997 IN
Book Regional initiatives on nuclear- and WMD-free zones : cooperative approaches to arms control and non-proliferation Hamel-Green, Michael. Doc.JZ5725.H36 2005 IN
Book Regional Inventory of Governmental and Non-Governmental Agencies Working For Youth Development in the Escap Region. United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Pac.HV1441.A78U54 1980 IN
Book Regional landscapes of the United States Birdsall, Stephen S. PS92.B53 1992 IN
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