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Book Social change in the South Pacific : Rarotonga and Aitutaki /. Beaglehole, Ernest, 1906- Pac.GN405.B4 IN
Book Social change in the twentieth century Chirot, Daniel.
Video Social changes in Micronesia MITC DVD 926 IN
Book Social changes in the Southern Gilbert Islands; 1938-1964. Lundsgaarde, Henry Peder. Pac.DU615.L85 IN
Book Social commitments in a depersonalized world Lawler, Edward J. HM1106.L39 2009 IN
Book Social conflict and political unrest in Bengal, 1875-1927 Ray, Rajat Kanta. DS485 .B49 R35 1984 IN
Video Social constructionist ideas. MITC DVD 257 IN
Book The social contract Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778. JC179.R7S1 1973 IN
Book Social development in the South Pacific; report of the ninth meeting of the South Pacific Commission Research Council held at Noumea from May 17-28, 1958 South Pacific Commission. Research Council. Pac.Per.DU1.S586 no.122 IN
Book Social deviance : being, behaving, and branding Ward, David Andrew. HM291.W26 1994 IN
Book Social dimensions of integrated production and pest management : a case study in Mali Stemerding, Pieter. FAO.SB950.3.M35S74 2002 IN
Book Social dreaming Lawrence, W. Gordon. BF1078.L378 2005 IN
Book Social drinking contexts : proceedings of a workshop, September 17-19, 1979, Washington, D.C. HV5009.S1 1982 IN
Book The social dynamics of family violence Hattery, Angela. HV6626.H28 2012 IN
 4 Social, economic, and housing characteristics
Serial Social, Economic, and housing characteristics, Guam. Pac.HA4018.5.A4 1990 IN
Serial Social, Economic, and Housing Characteristics--Republic of Palau. Pac.HA4007.P3A4 1992 IN
Book The social-economic impact of modern technology upon a developing insular region : Guam. Pac.DU647.G82 IN
Book The social effects of Typhoon Ophelia (1960) on Ulithi Lessa, William Armand, 1908- Pac.DU568.U5L45 1964 IN
Book Social engineering in the Philippines : the aims, execution and impact of American colonial policy Mary, Glen Anthony. Pac.DS685.M28 1980 IN
Book Social epidemiology : strategies for public health activism Cwikel, Julie. RA418.C95 2006 IN
Mixed The social fabric : Mironesian textiles patters and social order Rubinstein, Donald H. VerF 0163.93 Pac IN
Book Social forces in urbanization Symposium on Social Forces in Urbanization (1975 : East-West Center) Pac.HT107.S957 1974 IN
Book Social foundations of community development : readings on the Philippines Espiritu, Socorro C. Pac.HN713.5.E8 IN
Book The social history of art Hauser, Arnold, 1892-1978. N72.S6H3613 2003 IN
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