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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Sahk uh kapwack fuhkah? Asher, Elmer. Pac.PL6252.K86A78 1979 no.1 IN
Serial Sahwartik, Sahwarlap, Liduduniap and Lehnpaipohn : Pohnpei's fabulous waterfalls give shape to island legends
Mixed Said a man from Mokil Pensamin VerF 0884.? Pac. IN
Book Sail James Patterson & Howard Roughan Patterson, James PB PAT 2009 IN
Book Saili matagi : Samoan migrants in Australia Va'a, Leulu Felise. Pac.DU122.S26V22 2001 IN
Computer Sailing. CD ROM 0398 1996 IN
Serial Sailing and trekking David Fairchild's legendary journey
Video Sailing back MITC VC 1056 IN
Book Sailing directions enroute Pac.VK927.S3 1988 IN
Book Sailing directions (enroute) for New Guinea Pac.VK933.N54S35 1992 IN
Book Sailing directions (enroute) for the Pacific Islands. Pac.VK915.U7 1992 IN
Book Sailing directions (enroute) : north, west, and south costs of Australia Pac.VK927.S3 1988 IN
Book Sailing directions for the Pacific islands : volume I, western groups. United States. Hydrographic Office. Pac.VK915.U7 1945 IN
Book Sailing directions for the Pacific islands Volume II : Santa Cruz and New Hebrides groups, New Caledonia, and adjacent islands/ United States. Hydrographic Office. Pac.VK915.U7 1952 v.2 IN
Book Sailing in the Aegean : a voyage with <<Kyrenia>> II through myth and time Maximos, Platon DF261.A177M45 1998 IN
Mixed Sailing the master home. VerF 0399 Pac. IN
Book Sailing through time : the ship in Greek art Spathari, Elsi. N8230.S6513 1995 IN
Serial Sailing with the winds : Pacific magazine marks 30 years of publishing
Video Sailor moon. the promise of the rose MITC VC 1061 IN
Book The Sailor who fell from grace with the sea Mishima, Yukio, 1925-1970. PL833.I7G613 1994 IN
Book Sailors and traders : a maritime history of the Pacific peoples Couper, A. D. Pac.GN662.C68 2009 IN
Serial Sailors beware! : Foreigns contact with Truk in the last century Pac.DU647.A2H49 IN
 2 Saint Croix Island.
 2 Saint Croix Island International Historical Park Maine.
Serial Saint for the Marianas, A
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