Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
Summary report for FY '07 historic preservation symposium
Pac.DU780.S96 2008
IN |
Summary report for fy'04 historic preservation symposium/
IN |
Summary report for fy'05 historic preservation symposium/
Pac.DU780.S6 2006
IN |
Summary report, Northern Guam lens study
Pac.TD324.G8S86 1982
IN |
Summary report of land advisory board meeting.
IN |
Summary report of land advisory board meeting : 4 December, 1954 to 15 April, 1955
IN |
Summary report of the Billfish Stock Assessment Workshop, Pacific Resources : Honolulu Laboratory, Southwest Fisheries Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 5-14 December 1977
Billfish Stock Assessment Workshop (1977 : Honolulu, Hawaii)
Pac.SH351.B5B55 1977
IN |
Summary report of the planning workshop for national marine fisheries service research on marine turtles in the Central and Western Pacific
Joint SPC/NMFS Workshop on Marine Turtles in the Tropical Pacific Islands (1979 : Honolulu, Hawaii).
Pac.QL666.C5J65 1979
IN |
Summary report of the workshop for comparative evaluation of prototype curriculum for project management.
Pac.HD69.P75S86 1978
IN |
Summary report [on] Public Policy Implementation and Project Management : curriculum development for project management
Pac.HD69.P75S86 1978
IN |
Summary report on the Trust Territory physical planning program.
IN |
Summary report: plan for salary act and recommendations
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Government of the Trust Territory.
Pac.HD4924.P16P33 1977
IN |
Summary report: planning for education and manpower in Micronesia
Platt, William J. (William James), 1916-
IN |
Summary report. Pre-final submissions for Koror, Palau District, Yap, Yap District, Saipan, Mariana Islands District, Ebeye and Carlson Island, Marshall Island, Truk District; Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands District; Ponape Island, Ponape District.
IN |
Summary report: salary act review and recommendations
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Government of the Trust Territory.
Pac.HD4924.P16P33 1975
IN |
Summary report to the United Nations visiting mission.
[Ponape Island. District Administrator]
IN |
Summary report: voices from the village.
Pac.GC1018.V65 2000
IN |
Summary social, economic, and housing characteristics, District of Columbia
IN |
Summary statements on housing and land use
Pac.HD1129.M5S86 1978
IN |
Summer 2001 Memory book.
College of Micronesia. Kosrae Campus. Upward Bound Program.
Pac.LG961.M5U68 2001
IN |
Summer 2002 : Upward Bound Program
College of Micronesia-FSM
ARC. Box 142
Summer 2004 Memory book.
College of Micronesia : Kosrae Campus. Upward Bound Program.
Pac.LG961.M5U68 2004
IN |
Summer activities 1975.
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Education.
The summer before the dark
Lessing, Doris May, 1919-
PR6023.E833S6 1973
IN |
Summer bridge program.
College of Micronesia-FSM. Student Support Service Program.
Pac.LC5751.C65 2004
IN |