Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
Health digest - year 2008.
Micronesia. Federated States. Department of Health and Social Affairs.
Pac.RA374.F42F11 2008
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Health directory of the Pacific.
Pac.RA556.N69 1996
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Health disparities : bridging the gap.
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (U.S.)
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Health economics
Phelps, Charles E.
RA410.P51 2009
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Health economics and financing
Getzen, Thomas E.
RA410.G26 2007
IN |
Health economics for developing countries : a practical guide
BTL RA410.55.H35 2000 box 130
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A health economics primer
Johnson-Lans, Shirley.
RA410.J63 2006
IN |
Health education: A study unit on Fecal borne diseases and parasites
Corwin, Merry Lee
IN |
Health education and health promotion in the Pacific islands : background to the Pacific island countries and territories health education and health promotion declaration, Noumea, 1997
Gagliardi, Josephine.
Pac.RA557.G34 1997
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Health education and health promotion: learner-centered instructional strategies
Greenberg, Jerrold S.
RA440.5.G74 2004
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Health education in the South Pacific : present progress and future development
Loison, Guy, 1913-
Pac.RA557.L65 1956
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Health education summer activities 1975.
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Education.
The health effects of kava/sakau and betel nut
Health effects of marijuana: a review
Health effects of modernization in Palau
Labarthe, Darwin.
IN |
The health effects of radioactive fallout on Marshall Islanders : health policy issues of nuclear weapons production.
Hamilton, Thomas E., M.D., Ph.D.
VerF 0565.91 Pac
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Health expenditures and their financing for the indicative development plan
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory).
Pac.RA376.P33 1976
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Health [files].
Pacific Islands (Trust Territory).
Health for Micronesia : Teacher's guide
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Health for the Americans (10 min.)
A health handbook for women with disabilities
Maxwell, Jane, 1941-
RA564.88.M39 2006
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Health hints for the tropics : supplement to Tropical Medicine and Hygiene News
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Pac.RC961.5.A3 1964
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Health implications of economic policies : a framework of analysis
Anand, Sudhir, 1946-
Doc. HD 72 D3
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Health in Micronesia ove the years
Health in our environment.