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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Micronesia : Social studies (Draft) Ponape district, Education department. TT.LB1581.M5P7 1973 IN
Mixed Micronesia, South Pacific : Everyone everywhere has tales to tell Severance, Carol.
Book Micronesia special education conference at the Community College of Micronesia on Component A, supervision guide and component B, curriculum for moderately and severely handicapped children in Micronesia, August 13-19, 1984 : session notes Micronesia Special Education Conference (1984: Kolonia, Pohnpei). Pac. LC4040.M5M55 1984 IN
Serial Micronesia : steps in the right direction
Book Micronesia, submerged cultural resources. Pac.DU500..C37 1991 IN
Book Micronesia: success or failure of United States political development policy? Robbins, Robert R. Pac.JQ6451.A5R6 IN
 14 Micronesia Support Committee bulletin.
Book Micronesia survey, 1975-76 : by agreement of July 18, 1976 between the government of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands and Minerals Exploration Company upon a recommendation from the Congress of Micronesia : report Geomarex. Pac.QE385.M5G4 IN
Book "Micronesia tastes tourism" Ashman, Mike. Pac.G155.M5A7 IN
Mixed Micronesia : telecommunications: radio communications between amateur stations on behalf of third parties. VerF.1177 Pac. IN
 2 Micronesia : the Americanization of Eden.
Book Micronesia : the breadfruit revolution Wenkam, Robert, 1920- Pac. DU500 .W44 IN
Book Micronesia the facts: Guam, Pohnpei, Truk, Saipan, Majuro. Kosrae, Belau, Yap Goresh, Thomas J, Pac.DU500.G67 IN
Book Micronesia : the first five years in Micronesia Mobil Oil Micronesia. Pac.HD9569.M62M5 1972 IN
Book Micronesia, the land, the people, and the sea Brower, Kenneth, 1944- Pac.DU500.B76 1981 IN
Book Micronesia: the problem of Palau Clark, Roger and Roff, Sue Rabbitt. Pac.DU780.C55 IN
 2 Micronesia : then and now
Book Micronesia through separate district government : (a working paper) Heine, Carl. Pac.JQ6240.A38H34 1977 IN
Book Micronesia through the years : student resource book, Hezel, Francis X. Pac.DU500.4.H5 IN
Map Micronesia through years Hezel, Francis X. Map 3COMN00051856N IN
Book Micronesia through years : Teacher's guide Hezel, Francis X. Pac DU 500.4 H51 IN
Book Micronesia to the year 2000 : Conditions and issues of development and dependency Ballendorf, D.A. (Dirk A.) Pac.HC681.7.M5B21 1991 IN
Book Micronesia tourism development : product, markets and promotion Bergerot, Jean. Physical planner & Sociologist TTPI.G155.M5U1 1980 IN
Book Micronesia : tourism status report../ Pac.G155.M53 IN
Book Micronesia, trust betrayed : altruism vs self interest in American foreign policy McHenry, Donald F. Pac.JX4084.P27M23 IN
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