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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Introduction to public librarianship McCook, Kathleen de la Peņa. Z731.M355 2004 IN
Book Introduction to qualitative research methods : a phenomenological approach to the social sciences Bogdan, Robert. HM24.B63 1975 IN
Video An introduction to recirculating aquaculture MITC VC 991 E IN
 2 Introduction to reference work
Book Introduction to reference work in the digital age Janes, Joseph. Z711.J36 2003 IN
Book Introduction to reporting. Burken, Judith L. PN4781.B91 1976 IN
Book Introduction to research in education Ary, Donald. LB1028.A7 2010 IN
Book Introduction to research in music Wingell, Richard, 1936- MT1.W825 2001 IN
Book Introduction to research in the health sciences Polgar, Stephen. R850.P5 2008 IN
Serial Introduction to risk management : understanding agricultural risks : production, marketing, financial, legal, human resources Baquet, Alan E. Gov.A1.2:R49 IN
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Book Introduction to rubrics : an assessment tool to save grading time, convey effective feedback, and promote student learning / Dannelle D. Stevens, Antonia Levi. Stevens, Dannelle D. LB3063.S74 2005 IN
Book An introduction to scientific research in librarianship. Goldhor, Herbert, 1917- Z669.7.G56 1973 IN
Video An introduction to scientology MITC DVD 350 IN
Book Introduction to scientology ethics Hubbard, L. Ron (La Fayette Ron), 1911-1986. BP605.S2H86I 2007 IN
Book Introduction to social dreaming : transforming thinking Lawrence, W. Gordon. BF1078.L378 2005 IN
Book Introduction to social problems Sullivan, Thomas J., 1944- HN28.S92 1991 IN
Book Introduction to social science in Micronesia Ashby, Eugene. Pac.H62.G3 1977 IN
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Video An introduction to soil fertility in the tropics MITC VC 991 B IN
Book Introduction to South Pacific law Corrin Care, Jennifer. Pac.KVC117.C37 1999 IN
Book Introduction to special education Ysseldyke, James E. LC4019.I57S245 1984 IN
Book Introduction to special education : a textbook for college students LC3987.P6I2 2007 OUT
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Book Introduction to statistics : concepts and applications Anderson, David Ray, 1941- QA276.2.A44 1994 IN
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