View previous page View next page Title Search: Yapese politics, Yapese money and the Sawei tribute network before world war I
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Yap fresh tuna incorporated : Colonia, Yap, Federated States of Micronesia performance audit, September 14, 1990 thru January 31, 1995. Pac.SZ95.L29.51 1995 IN
Serial Yap gets FSM presidency : Urusemal was a surprise to some
Book Yap grant no.3-75-0012-01. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Pac.KF6428.L3 1969 IN
Book Yap harbor Pac.TL726.9.M5R278 1971 v.II IN
Book Yap High School Year-Book. Pac.LH9.Y3Y1 1971 IN
Book Yap High School yearbook 1971. Pac.LH9.Y3Y1 1971 IN
Book Yap Highs School Yearbook. Pac.LH9.Y3Y1 1971 IN
Book Yap hospital : technical specifications/ Pac.TH3411.Y3 IN
Serial Yap in the 19th century. Pac.Per.DU1.J68 1996 IN
Mixed Yap Island Act. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the District Administrator. Yap District.
Mixed Yap Island Congress Preamble. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Ya District.
Computer Yap Islands CD ROM 0562 2003 IN
Map Yap Islands coastal resource atlas Pac.GC1023.98.Y3M37 1988. IN
Book Yap Islands coastal resource inventory Pac.GC1023.98.Y3M36 1989 IN
Book The Yap Islands code; a codification of all municipal and district laws in effect in the Yap Islands Yap (Micronesia) Pac.KH400.Y36 1968 IN
Book The Yap Islands code; a compilation of all laws and district order currently in effect in the Yap Islands. Yap (Micronesia) Pac.KH400.Y3 1968 IN
 2 Yap Islands Legislature.
Serial Yap Islands Legislature: laws and resolutions. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Yap District. Pac.KH400.Y3 1967 IN
Book Yap Islands legislature : seventh session. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Pac.KH400.Y3 1967 IN
Mixed Yap Islands natural coastal systems and vulnerability to potential accelerated sea-level rise Richmond, Bruce M. Pac.GB450.J68 1977 IN
 4 [Yap language materials]
Book Yap legislature fund FY 1983 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the Public Auditor. Pac.HC681.5.Z7Y3 1984 IN
Serial Yap lighthouse.
Book Yap main island oral history section : end of year report (fy-2005) HPF grant#64-03-18259. Pac.D16.14.Y2 2005 IN
Book Yap NCD : participant's workbook Pac.RC108.S33 2014 IN
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