View previous page View next page Title Search: Trade cycles in outer Southeast Asia and their impact on New Guinea and nearby islands until 1920.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Truk Outward Bound Program : phase I, final report Pac.GV161.6.T8 IN
Book Truk (Piis) Fishermen Cooperative. Office of the Fishing Cooperative. Pac.SH319.F34O34 1970 IN
Book The Truk report : a report on field training in Truk Pac.DU568.T7T77 IN
Serial Truk review. Pac DU568.T7T783 IN
Book Truk State -EOSC Summer 1982 educational program evaluation. Pac.LB1705.T7.T76 1982 IN
Book Truk State five-year comprehensive health plan Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of Health Services. Pac.RA558T8T764 1984 IN
 2 Truk state hospital
Book Truk State investor's guide. Pac.HC6875.T7T785 IN
 2 Truk State Legislature.
Book Truk State's electrical system. Xavier High School (Truk, Micronesia). Pac.DU568.T7X3 1982 IN
Book Truk suicide epidemic and social change Hezel, Francis X. VerF 0687.87 Pac. IN
Book Truk T-1 social studies title IV continuing proposal. Pac.LC3740.M625 IN
Book Truk teacher preparation project. Pac.LC3740.M625 IN
Book Truk underwater archaeology Hezel, Francis X. Pac.DU850.H49 1997 IN
Book Truk water and sewer phase II. Department ofr the Navy Naval Facilities Engineering Command. Pac.TD624.T8U5 v.2 IN
Video Truk: Xavier High School MITC VC 21 IN
Book Truk youth service program. Pac.RA564.15.T78 1973 IN
Video Truk youth visit CCM. MITC DVD 1364 IN
Mixed Trukese and Ponapean love songs Fischer, John Lyle. Pac.ML360.5.P7F5 IN
Serial Trukese congress. Pac.J960.H35T76 1957 IN
 2 Trukese culture
Book Trukese-English and English-Trukese dictionary with notes on pronunciation, grammar, vocabularies, phrases Elbert, Samuel H., 1907- Pac.PL6318.Z5E4 1947 IN
 2 Trukese-English dictionary
Book Trukese-English dictionary=Pwpwuken tettenin Fóós : Chuuk-Ingenes Goodenough, Ward Hunt. Pac.PL6318.Z5G7 c.4 IN
Book Trukese government employees credit union. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Truk District. Pac.HG2035.P33 1966 IN
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