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Video Pacific Island Archive Library Association : 7th annual PIALA Conference. MITC DVD 456 C IN
GRAPHIC Pacific Island Association Library, Archive and Museum MITC CD 39 IN
GRAPHIC Pacific Island Association of Library Associaton (November 2010) MITC CD 48 IN
Book Pacific island bastions of the United States. Wiens, Herold J. (Herold Jacob), 1912- Pac.DU500.W5 IN
Book Pacific island battlegrounds of World War II : then and now Hinz, Earl R. Pac.D767.9.H56 1995 IN
Book Pacific island bibliography Cammack, Floyd M. Pac.Z4001.C3 IN
Book Pacific Island Conference. Pacific Islands Conference. (1985 : Cook Islands). Pac.HC681.A5P11 1985 IN
Book Pacific Island countries/development partners meeting forum secretariat headquarters, Suva 19-23 April 1993 : report. Pac.HC681.A1P12 1993 IN
Book Pacific Island Countries/Donors Meeting, Forum Secretariat Headquarters, Suva, 4-7 February 1991 : summary of proceedings Pac.HC681.P33 1991 IN
Book Pacific Island countries' parliamentary libraries Ong, Michael Pac.Z870.O5 2006 IN
 2 Pacific Island economies : building a resilient economic base for the twenty-first century
Book Pacific Island economies : second regional report, volume 9 : Federated States of Micronesia Codippily, Hilarian. Pac.HC687.F34C6 1993 IN
Book Pacific Island economies : toward efficient and sustainable growth. Volume 1 : overview. Pac.HC681.E5P33 1993 IN
Book Pacific Island economies : toward higher growth in the 1990s. Pac.HC681.P295 1991 IN
Computer Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER) CD ROM 0471 IN
Serial Pacific Island education Pac.Per.LA2201.P33 no.17 IN
Serial Pacific Island families.
 2 Pacific Island focus.
Serial Pacific island food security : situation challenges and opportunities
Book Pacific island foods : description and nutrient composition of 78 local foods English, Ruth. Pac.TX360.O3E54 1996 IN
Book Pacific island foods : vol 2 : nutrient compositionof some Pacific island foods and the effect of earth-oven cooking Pac.TX360.O3P33 2001 IN
Computer Pacific island history poster profiles. CD ROM 0452 IN
Book Pacific island IMF member countires : recent economic developents and medium-term prospects Browne, Christopher, 1944- Pac.HC681.B766 1995 IN
Book Pacific island involvement in the global information infrastructure : final report Pac.HE7549.P3P32 1998 IN
Book Pacific island languages : essays in honour of G.B. Milner Pac.PL6071.P3 1990 IN
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