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Book Suggestions for the management of sea cucumber resources in Micronesia : Results of the workshop "A Regional Management Plan for a Sustainable Sea Cucumber Fishery for Micronesia" Pac.SH399.T8S84 1996 IN
Book Suicidal behavior in children and adolescents Wagner, Barry M. HV6546.W34 2009 IN
Book Suicidal behaviour in the Asia-Pacific region Pac.HV6548.A78S93 1992 IN
Book Suicide Woog, Adam. HV6545.W75 1997 OUT
Serial Suicide : an act of impulse; an act of despair
Book Suicide and culture : island views White, Geoffrey M. Pac.HV6548.03W45 1984 IN
 2 Suicide and the Micronesian family
Book Suicide and women in East Kwaio, Malaita Akin, David. Pac.HV6548.5.S6A67 IN
Mixed Suicide, child abuse and neglect. Rubinstein, Donald H. 1948- VerF 0451.95 Pac. IN
Book Suicide in contemporary Papua New Guinea: an attempt at an overview/ Pataki-Schweizer, K.L. Pac.HV6548.N8P38 IN
 3 Suicide in Micronesia
 2 Suicide in Micronesia and Samoa : a critique of explanations
 2 Suicide in Micronesia : finding a better way out.
Serial Suicide in Micronesia: / the 1920s and 1930s
Book Suicide in Palau 1800-1984 Polloi, Anthony H. Pac.HV6548.P3P6 IN
Mixed Suicide in the Micronesian family Hezel, Francis X. Pac.HV6548.M5H48 1989 IN
Book Suicide in Western Samoa : a sociological perspective Macpherson, Cluny. Pac.HV6548.S3M34 1984 IN
 2 Suicide : opposing viewpoints
Video Suicide prevention lecture MITC DVD 1601 IN
Book Suicide, self-injury, and violence in the schools : assessment, prevention, and intervention strategies Juhnke, Gerald A. HV6545.8.J94 2010 OUT
Serial Suicide : why in Micronesia
 3 Suicides in Micronesia.
Mixed Suicides in Micronesia : a chronology. Micronesian Seminar. Pohnpei.
Book Suicidology and suicide prevention HV6545.O94 2009 IN
Book Suk sakau Pac.PL6295.Z77S85 1974 IN
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