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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Iatrogenic malnutrition: "the skeleton in the hospital closet"/ Bulamainaivalu, Kiti A. Pac.RA645.N87B84 2002 IN
Book American relations in the Pacific and the Far East 1784-1900 Callahan, James Morton. Pac.DS518.8.C34 1969 IN
Book America's neglected colonial paradise Oberdorfet, Don VerF 0003.64 Pac IN
Book ICD-O Gov.HE20.3152: ON 1/6/2000 IN
Book Ice hunt Rollins, James, 1961- PB ROL 2003 IN
Book ICE update Gov.HS4.202:K15 IN
Book Iceland and Greenland, Peck, Helen E. CRC DL314.P4 1967 IN
Video Iceland, edge of the habitable world MITC VC 862 IN
Serial Penicillin - resistant gonorrhoea
Serial ICLARM annual report Pac.SH328.I54 1992 IN
Serial ICLARM report Pac.SH328.I54 1992 IN
Book Icon Forsyth, Frederick, 1938- PR6056.O699I7 1996 IN
Book Icons : the Velimezis Collection : catalogue raisonne Chatzidakis, Nano. N8189.C52 1998 IN
Serial ICRC annual report International Committee of the Red Cross. Pac.HV560.R37a IN
Mixed Micronesia our bungled trust Mink, Patsy T. VerF 0015.71 Pac IN
Book Micronesian Teacher Education Center/Community College oMicronesia : final report, 1963-1971 Terpstra, Margery. Pac. LB1727.T78T46 1963-71 IN
Book ICT in the primary school LB1028.3.I315 2002 IN
Book A dictionary of the Hawaiian language : to which is appended an English-Hawaiian vocabulary and a chronological table of remarkable events Andrews, Lorrin, 1795-1868. Ref.PL6446.A56 2003 IN
Book Icy Sparks Rubio, Gwyn Hyman. PS3568.U295I25 1998 IN
Book I'd rather be working : a step-by-step guide to financial self-support for people with chronic illness Backstrom, Gayle. RA644.5.B335 2002 IN
Book The idea of a free press : the Enlightenment and its unruly legacy Copeland, David A., 1951- PN4748.G7C79 2006 IN
Book The idea of history Collingwood, R. G. (Robin George), 1889-1943. D13.C6 1956 IN
Book The idea of Japan : western images, western myths. Littlewood, Ian. DS821.L73 1996 OUT
Serial The idea pages. Pac.HE8840.H3H39b IN
Serial Ideal coconut country : commodified coconuts and the scientific plantation in Pohnpei, Micronesia
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