View previous page View next page Title Search: Historia concisa do Brasil. English
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book History and ethnography of the Mariana Islands. Fritz, Georg. Pac.DU645.F74 1989 IN
Book A history and geography of Tonga. Wood, A. Harold (Alfred Harold) Pac.DU880.W6 1972 IN
Book History and graduates of the medical school known as Suva Medical School, 1888-1927 Central Medical School, 1928-1960, FijimSchool of Medicine, 1961-present. Pac.R683.F5H57 1979? IN
Book History and methods of 19th century American fisheries : a commemorative edition in celebration of the International Year of the Ocean, 1998 : consisting of selected plates from the Fisheries and fishery industries of the United States by George Brown Goode, U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries 1887 Gov.C55.302:H62 IN
Book History and society in Gilbertese oral tradition. Uriam, Kambati K. Pac.DU615.4.U76 1995 IN
Book A history and some traditions of Pingelap, an atoll in the Eastern Caroline Islands Hurd, Jane Newcomb. Pac.DU568.P5H8 IN
Mixed History and structure : a case of Polynesian dualism Feinberg, Richard. VerF 0617.80 Pac IN
Book History and traditions of Rarotonga Tara 'Are, Te Ariki. Pac.GN2.P6 v.51 IN
Book The history and typology of western Austronesian voice systems Pac.PL5029.H57 2002 IN
Video The history boys MITC DVD 1088 IN
Book History, economics and culture of the relationship between spectator and sport Quinn, Kevin G., 1961- GV706.5.Q4 2009 IN
Book History English. Herodotus. D58.H4713 1987 IN
Book History (general) Library of Congress. Gov.LC 26.9:D-DR/2007 IN
Book History in dispute. Ref.D20.H543 2000 IN
Mixed History in the national park of American Samoa: field methods and archaeological approach Suafo'a, Epifania VerF.1312 Pac. IN
Book History of a free nation Bragdon, Henry W. (Henry Wilkinson), 1906-1980. CRC E178.1.B788 1998 IN
 2 A history of American Samoa
Book History of art Janson, H. W. (Horst Woldemar) N5300.J3 1986b IN
Book History of art : a survey of the major visual arts from the dawn of history to the present day Janson, H. W. (Horst Woldemar), 1913- N5300.J3 1966 IN
Book A history of Asia Murphey, Rhoads, 1919- DS33.M87 1992 IN
Book History of Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, etc. Library of Congress. Ref.Z696.U5D53 2008 IN
 2 A history of Australia
Book A history of Australian children's literature 1841-1941 Saxby, H. M. (Henry Maurice) PN1009.A1S9 1969 IN
Book A history of Australian literature Goodwin, K. L. PR9604.3.G6H62 1986 IN
Book A history of Australian literature, pure and applied; a critical review of all forms of literature produced in Australia from the first books published after the arrival of the first fleet until 1950, with short accounts of later publications up to 1960. Green, H. M. (Henry Mackenzie), 1881- Pac.PR9411.G7 1968 '23-50 IN
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