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  Title Author Call Number Status
 2 Whales, dolphins, and porpoises
Book Whales, dolphins and sea birds ID cards for Pacific Islands Regional Fisheries Observers Pac.QL737.C4P57 2016 IN
Book The whale's footprints Boyer, Rick. PB BOY 1998 IN
Book Whales in the South Pacific. Pac.DU21.B45W52 2007 IN
Book The whales of Hawaii, including all species of marine mammals in Hawaiian and adjacent waters : including all species of marine mammals in Hawaiian and adjacent waters Balcomb, Kenneth C., 1940- Pac.QL737.C4B236 1987 IN
Mixed Whales that go to extremes Baker, C. Scott. VerF 0585.85 Pac IN
Book The whale's wake Morton, Harry. Pac.SH383.5.N45M67 1982 IN
Book The whaling season : an inside account of the struggle to stop commercial whaling Mulvaney, Kieran. QL737.C4M85 2003 IN
Serial Whaling ships found
Book What a day it was at school! : poems Prelutsky, Jack. CRC PS3566.R36W47 2006 IN
Book What a funny bunny Whitehead, Patricia. CRC Pic.W585 IN
Book What a lady wants Alexander, Victoria. PB ALE 2007 OUT
Book What a picnic! Black, Laura CRC.Pic. B43 1999 IN
Book What a waste: an environmental comic book CRC Pic.W55 2001 IN
Video What about God? MITC DVD 9 A IN
Book What all children need ; theory and application Dunlap, Linda L. HQ778.5.D85 2002 IN
Book What am I made of? Bennett, David, 1955- CRC Pic.B46 1990 IN
Book The what and how of reading instruction LB1050.W433 1989 IN
Book What angels wish they knew : the basics of true Christianity Begg, Alistair BT1102.B334 1998 IN
Book What are fronds for? Arbeit, Wendy. Pac.TT877.5.A73 1985 IN
Serial What are our priorities ?
Book What are scientists Gelman, Rita Golden. CRC Pic.G45 1991 IN
Book What are stars? Bredeson, Carmen. CRC QB801.7.B74 2008 IN
Book What are they thinking?! : the straight facts about the risk-taking, social-networking, still-developing teen brain White, Aaron M. BF724 .W42 2013 IN
Book What are you looking at? : the first fat fiction anthology PS648.O93W48 2003 IN
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