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Book Social stratification in Micronesia : the low-caste people of Yap Beauclair, Inez de Pac.GN669.Y3B3 IN
Book Social stratification in Polynesia Sahlins, Marshall David, 1930- Pac.DU510.S29 1967 IN
Book Social studies content standards : "kasukuhl en poahsonda pohn sapwelimen pehiwet wahu" CRC LB1584.S63 2001 IN
Book Social studies curriculum guide Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Education. Truk District. Pac.LB1584.T74 1970 IN
Book The social studies curriculum: purposes, problems, and possibilities LB1584.S6373 2001 IN
 2 Social studies curriculum standards and benchmarks
Book Social studies : first environmental studies pla grade 1. Ponape District of Education. Pac.GE105.P66 1973 IN
 2 Social Studies for Pacific Islands.
Book Social studies for the elementary and middle grades : a constructivist approach Sunal, Cynthia S. LB1584.S88 2002 IN
Book Social studies for the Pacific Islands. Womack, Richard Pac.LB1584.5.P7W66 2020 IN
Book Social studies for the preschool-primary child Seefeldt, Carol. LB1530.S37 1993 IN
Book Social studies for the twenty-first century : methods and materials for teaching in the middle and secondary schools Zevin, Jack. H62.5.U5Z48 1991 IN
Book Social studies for Truk District. Pac.LB1584.M5P86 1958 IN
Book Social studies, grade 6 Ponape District. Department of Educaction. Pac.LB1584.P56P33 1973 IN
Book Social studies in elementary education Jarolimek, John. LB1584.J3 1990 IN
Book Social studies in the elementary schools of Hawaii; kindergarten through grade 8. Hawaii. Dept. of Public Instruction. Pac.LB1584.H33 1956 IN
Book Social studies readers theatre for children : scripts and script development Laughlin, Mildred. PN2081.R4L395 1991 IN
Book Social studies series. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Education. Palau District. Pac.PE1127.S6T78 1962 no.1 IN
Book Social studies series no.2 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Department of Education. Palau District. Pac.PE1127.S6T78 1962 no.1 IN
Book The social studies teacher's book of lists Partin, Ronald L. LB1584.P29 2003 IN
Book Social Studies Workshop held in Truk District, December 2-12, 1969. Pac.LB1530.S63 IN
Book Social Studies Workshop, Truk District, 1969. Pac.LB1530.S63 IN
Book Social theory and social structure Merton, Robert King, 1910- HM51.M393 1968 IN
Book Social welfare : a history of the American response to need Axinn, June. HV91.A4 1992 IN
Book Social welfare services and development planning in the Pacific islands : principal English-speaking areas served by the South Pacific Commission Fox, Morris G. Pac.HV516 F6 1976 c.2 IN
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