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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Deployment completion report civic action team prime BEEF 78-10, 07 Feb. 78 - 16 Sept. 78 : Truk Pac.UA23.C58t 1978 IN
 2 Deployment completion report : Yap
Book The depopulation of Yap Hunt, Edward E. Pac.HB3694.Y3H8 1954 IN
 3 Depression
Book Depression, war, and cold war : studies in political economy Higgs, Robert. HC106.H53 2006 IN
Book Dept. of Energy. Pac.Per.QH510.H39 1983 IN
Mixed Der Aufstand auf Ponape (1910/11) Christman, Helmut VerF 0050.80 Pac IN
Book Der Aufstand in Ponape und seine Niederwerfung durch S.M. Schiffe "Emden," "Nurnberg," "Cormoran," "Planet." : Nach amtlichen Berichten zusammengestellt von Kapitanleutnant Gartzke. Gartzke, Willy. Pac.DU568.P7G18 IN
Book Der Begriff Seele bei den Insulanern van Truk Kaser, Lothar, 1938- Pac.BL2620.T7K3 IN
Book Der chaifi. Ein marchen von den Marianen Fritz, Georg Pac.DU647.F814 IN
Mixed Federal programs and services agreement : concluded pursuant to article II of title two and section 232 of the Compact of Free Association.
Book Deregulation and liberalisation of the airline industry : Asia, Europe, North America and Oceania Sinha, Dipendra. HE9777.7.S56 2001 IN
Book Dernier crépuscule. English Gope, Pierre, 1966- Pac.PQ3999.G667D4713 2001 IN
Book Derrotero de las Islas Marianas. English DepoÌsito HidrograÌfico de Madrid. Pac.VK124.M37D47 1987 IN
Book Descartes' error : emotion, reason, and the human brain Damasio, Antonio R. QP401.D18 1994 IN
Book Descent : a novel Johnston, Tim, 1962- PS3610.O395 D47 2015 OUT
 2 Descent lines on Romónum, Truk.
Book Deschooling society. Illich, Ivan, 1926- LA210.I5 1971 IN
Book The describer's dictionary : a treasury of terms and literary quotations for readers and writers Grambs, David. Ref.PE1591.G67 1993 OUT
Book Describing music materials : a manual for descriptive cataloging of printed and recorded music, music videos, and archival music collections: for use with AACR2 and APPM Smiraglia, Richard P., 1952- Ref.ML111.S633 1997 IN
Serial Describing stewatship of the common sea among atob fishers of the Pacific Rim Islands: cases from the Philippines, Taiwan and Japan
Book A description of islands in the western Pacific ocean, north and south of the equator: with sailing directions, together with their productions, manners and customs of the natives, and vocabularies of their various languages. Cheyne, Andrew. Pac.DU21.C53 IN
Serial Description of Kayangel Atoll, Palau Islands Gressitt, J.L.
Book Description of the Mariana Islands. Pac.DU648.D4 1991 IN
Mixed Descriptions of two new genera and nine new subspecies of birds from Micronesia Momiyama, Tokutaru VerF.0423 Pac. IN
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