View previous page View next page Title Search: Minidoka.
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book A Modern archives reader : basic readings on archival theory and practice CD972.M63 1984 IN
Book Modern argumentation and debate: principles and practices. Thompson, Wayne N. PN4181.T37 1971 IN
Video Modern art and modern manners CRC VC 0064 1989 IN
Mixed Modern Asian Studies Schencking, J. Charles VerF 0914.99 Pac. IN
Video Modern biology : An introduction MITC DVD 110 IN
Book Modern Chinese : beginner's course PL1111.M62 1988 IN
Book Modern Chinese drama Song, Baozhen, 1964- NX583.A1Z46513 1999 IN
Book A Modern Chinese-English dictionary Ref.PL1420.M63 2001 IN
Book The modern Chinese state JQ1510.M66 2000 IN
Book Modern communication in the South Pacific Pac.P92.O25M6 1987 IN
Book Modern communications in the South Pacific : including the 1986 Parkinson Memorial Lectures Pac.P92.O25M6 1987 IN
Book Modern constitutions : a collection of the fundamental laws of twenty-two of the most important countries of the world : with historical and bibliographical notes KF157.E5M63 2003 IN
Book Modern criminal procedure : cases, comments, and questions Ref.KF9619.M58 2008 IN
Book The modern death penalty : a legal research guide Rodriguez, Roxanne. KF241.C65R63 2001 OUT
Book Modern dictators : Third World coup makers, strongmen, and populist tyrants Rubin, Barry M. JC495.R83 1987 IN
 2 Modern dictionary for the legal profession
Book Modern European thought : continuity and change in ideas, 1600-1950 Baumer, Franklin Le Van. B791.B36 1977 IN
Book Modern food biotechnology, human health, and developement: evidence- based study TP248.65.F66.M72 2005 IN
Book Modern Hawaiian gamefishing Rizzuto, Jim, 1939- Pac.SH679.H3R59 IN
Book Modern Hawaiian history Pac.DU625.M57 1994 IN
Book Modern informative nursery rhymes : American history, book I Min, Kellet I. CRC LB1140.35.C74M56 1992 OUT
Book Modern informative nursery rhymes : the rationale Min, Kellet I. LB1140.35.C74M56 1991 IN
Book Modern Iran : roots and results of revolution Keddie, Nikki R. DS316.3.K42 2003 IN
Book Modern Japan : aspects of history, literature, and society DS806.M6 1975 IN
Book Modern legal systems cyclopedia Pac.K530.M62 1984 v.2 IN
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