View previous page View next page Title Search: Modern Asian Studies
  Title Author Call Number Status
Mixed Modern Asian Studies Schencking, J. Charles VerF 0914.99 Pac. IN
Video Modern biology : An introduction MITC DVD 110 IN
Book Modern Chinese : beginner's course PL1111.M62 1988 IN
Book Modern Chinese drama Song, Baozhen, 1964- NX583.A1Z46513 1999 IN
Book A Modern Chinese-English dictionary Ref.PL1420.M63 2001 IN
Book The modern Chinese state JQ1510.M66 2000 IN
Book Modern communication in the South Pacific Pac.P92.O25M6 1987 IN
Book Modern communications in the South Pacific : including the 1986 Parkinson Memorial Lectures Pac.P92.O25M6 1987 IN
Book Modern constitutions : a collection of the fundamental laws of twenty-two of the most important countries of the world : with historical and bibliographical notes KF157.E5M63 2003 IN
Book Modern criminal procedure : cases, comments, and questions Ref.KF9619.M58 2008 IN
Book The modern death penalty : a legal research guide Rodriguez, Roxanne. KF241.C65R63 2001 OUT
Book Modern dictators : Third World coup makers, strongmen, and populist tyrants Rubin, Barry M. JC495.R83 1987 IN
 2 Modern dictionary for the legal profession
Book Modern European thought : continuity and change in ideas, 1600-1950 Baumer, Franklin Le Van. B791.B36 1977 IN
Book Modern food biotechnology, human health, and developement: evidence- based study TP248.65.F66.M72 2005 IN
Book Modern Hawaiian gamefishing Rizzuto, Jim, 1939- Pac.SH679.H3R59 IN
Book Modern Hawaiian history Pac.DU625.M57 1994 IN
Book Modern informative nursery rhymes : American history, book I Min, Kellet I. CRC LB1140.35.C74M56 1992 OUT
Book Modern informative nursery rhymes : the rationale Min, Kellet I. LB1140.35.C74M56 1991 IN
Book Modern Iran : roots and results of revolution Keddie, Nikki R. DS316.3.K42 2003 IN
Book Modern Japan : aspects of history, literature, and society DS806.M6 1975 IN
Book Modern legal systems cyclopedia Pac.K530.M62 1984 v.2 IN
Book A Modern lexicon literary terms Liberman, Myron M. Ref.PN44.5.L61 1968 IN
Book Modern livestock and poultry production Gillespie, James R. SF61.G54 2010 IN
Book Modern macroeconomics : its origins, development and current state Snowdon, Brian. HB172.5.S653 2005 IN
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