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  Title Author Call Number Status
Video Peoples and cultures of the world MITC DVD 462 A IN
Book Peoples and cultures of the world : Oceania and the Philippines Kielich, Wolf. Pac.GN662.K53 IN
Book Peoples & problems of the Pacific Brown, J. Macmillan Pac.DU510.B78 1927 IN
 2 People's century.
Book People's century, 20th : from the dawn of the century to the start of the cold war Hodgson, Godfrey. D422.H55 1995 IN
Book People's century, 20th : from the start of the nuclear age to the close of the century Hodgson, Godfrey. D422.H55 1995 IN
Book People's China: social experimentation, politics, entry onto the world scene 1966 through 1972 DS735.P39 1974 IN
Book The people's choice : a cautionary tale Greenfield, Jeff. PS3557.R39423P46 1995 IN
Book The people's chronology : a year-by-year record of human events from prehistory to the present Trager, James. Ref.D11.T83 1979 IN
Book A people’s history of the United States : 1492-present Zinn, Howard, 1922- E178.1.Z7 2003 IN
Book People's lives and history in the South Pacific Region Pac.HD2195.6.M56 1994 IN
Book Peoples of the China Seas Clark, Elizabeth Allerton Pac.DS601.C55 IN
Book Peoples of the earth. Pac.GN315.P417 IN
Book Peoples of the Pacific, Mead, Margaret, 1901-1978. Pac.DU28.M43 IN
 2 Peoples of the Pacific : A Natural History Magazine Supplement
Book Peoples of the Pacific: anthro-364 Hammond, Joyce Pac.GN325.H17 1988 IN
Book Peoples of the Philippines, Krieger, Herbert W. (Herbert William), 1889. Pac.GN4.S6 no.4 IN
Book Peoples of the southwest Pacific, a book of photographs and introductory text, Hogbin, Herbert Ian, 1904-1989. Pac.GN662.H6 1946 IN
Serial People's Republic of China donates $30,000 for FSM disaster relief.
Book A people's tragedy : a history of the Russian Revolution, 1891-1924 Figes, Orlando. DK260.F54 1997 IN
Book Peopling of Pohnpei island : migration, dispersal and settlement themes in clan narratives" Mauricio, Rufino, 1949- Pac.DU568.P7M38 IN
Mixed The Peopling of the Pacific Bellwood, P.S. VerF.119 Pac. IN
Book The PEP partnerships Doc.HE242.P47 2019 IN
Serial PEP pre-conference institute covers teaching reading in bilingual settings
Book Pepi and the secret names Paton Walsh, Jill, 1937- CRC PZ7.P27 1994 IN
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