Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
The dictionary of eponyms: names that became words
Hendrickson, Robert, 1933-
Ref.PE1596.H4 1985
IN |
The dictionary of essential quotations
Ref.PN6081.D527 1983
IN |
The dictionary of folklore
CRC Ref.GR69.D56 2002
IN |
Dictionary of forensic psychology
Ref.RA1148.D53 2008
IN |
The dictionary of forestry
Ref.SD126.D535 1998
IN |
A dictionary of genetics
King, Robert C.
Ref.QH427.K58 2006
IN |
The dictionary of geographical literacy ; the complete geography reference
O'Mahony, Kieran
Ref.G103.O3 1993
IN |
A dictionary of geography
Mayhew, Susan.
Ref.G63.M39 2009
IN |
Dictionary of global climate change
Ref.QC981.8.C5D52 1994
IN |
The dictionary of global culture
Ref.CB9.D53 1997
IN |
A dictionary of Hawaiian legal land-terms
Pac.KFH126.A68D53 1995
IN |
Dictionary of health economics and finance
Ref.RA410.A3D53 2007
IN |
A dictionary of heroes, heroines, lovers, and villains in classical opera
Glick, Andrew.
Ref.ML102.O6G55 2004
IN |
Dictionary of historical allusions & eponyms
Auchter, Dorothy.
Ref.PV43.A83 1998
IN |
A dictionary of Irish mythology
Ellis, Peter Berresford.
Ref.BL980.I7.E45 1989
IN |
Dictionary of legal abbreviations
Prince, Mary Miles.
Ref.KF246.B46 2001
IN |
A dictionary of linguistics
Pei, Mario, 1901-1978.
Ref.P29.P4 1954
IN |
Dictionary of mathematics
Ref.QA5.F35 1999
IN |
Dictionary of medicine, nursing & health professions
Dictionary of military and naval quotations.
Heinl, Robert Debs, 1916-
Ref.U19.H36 1985
IN |
Dictionary of modern American slang and unconventional.
Ref.PE3721.P323 2009
IN |
Dictionary of modern American slang and unconventional English
Ref.PE3721.P323 2009
IN |
A dictionary of modern legal usage
Garner, Bryan A.
Ref.KF156.G367 1987
IN |
Dictionary of modern Maori.
Ryan, P.M. (Peter M.)
Pac.PL6465.Z5R92 1995
IN |
A Dictionary of mottoes
Ref.PN6309.D5 1983
IN |