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Book The use of history for decision-makers. Neustadt, Richard E. E743.N39 1986 IN
Serial The use of names by Micronesia. Pac.GN671.M5Y65 IN
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Book The Vailala madnes' and other essays. Williams, F. E. (Francis Edgar) Pac.GN671.N5W67 1997 IN
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Book The villager : the basic resource of the development approach of the Solomon Islands Development Trust (SIDT) Paeniu, Bikenibeu. Pac.HC681.S67 no.54 IN
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Serial The waiting game : for years, the U.S., Japan and other nations have been making promises to Micronesia. Will thy ever deliver?/
Book The water, energy and food security nexus in the Arab region Doc.HC415.15.A1U529e 2015 IN
Book The Western and Central Pacific tuna fishery : 2022 overview and status of stocks Pacific Community. Pac.PerSH351. T8H34 20 IN
Book The White House, Washington, D.C. United States National Park Service Gov.I29.155:W 58/2010 IN
Book The wisdom of Chinese characters PL1171.S55 2009 IN
Book the work of WHO in the Western Pacific Region. World health Organization : Regional Committee for the Western Pacific, 065. Pac.RA239.W67a IN
Computer The world & I worldwide folktales: a 15-year collection. CD ROM 0469 IN
Book "The World's richest biotic pro Pacific Science Congress. (1966 : Tokyo, Japan) Pac.Q101.P4 1966 IN
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Computer Theatre of the imagination : radio stories CD ROM 0126 1995 IN
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Book The Theban plays Sophocles. PA4414.A2T34 1974 IN
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Book Theirs was the kingdom : Lila and DeWitt Wallace and the story of the Reader's digest Heidenry, John. PN4900.R3H45 1993 IN
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