View previous page View next page Title Search: Management of large pelagic fisheries in CARICOM countries
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Management 235Tx : principles of management. Albers,Henry Pac.HD62.5.A43 1969 IN
Book Management 291Tx Personnel Administration. Johnson, Ronald D. ARC. TTPI 10 IN
Book Management accounting Hansen, Don R. HF5657.4.H36 2000 IN
Serial The management and disposal of hazardous wastes in the Pacific Islands Brodie, Jon
Book Management and leadership Armstrong, Michael, 1928- Ref.HD38.15.A76 2005 IN
Book The Management and prevention of diarrhea : practical guidelines. BTL RC630.M31 1993 box 160 IN
Book Management audit of the University of Hawaii : organization, planning, and personnel management : a report to the Governor and the Legislature of the State of Hawaii/ Hawaii. Legislature Office of the Legislative Auditor. Pac.HJ9840.5A26a 1981 no.81-9 IN
Book Management, co-management, or no management? : major dilemmas in southern African freshwater fisheries FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Book Management des technologies et des systemes automatise?s de bibliotheques dans les pays en developpement : logiciels libres vs options commerciales : actes du colloque satellite FIAB pre-congres Z678.9.A1M36 2008 IN
Book Management dimensions of development : perspectives and strategies Esman, Milton J. (Milton Jacob), 1918- JF60 .E73 1991 IN
 2 Management for Mid-Level Department of Education managers and staff in the Federated States of Micronesia.
Book Management for mid-level managers and staff of the Department of Education in the Federated States of Micronesia : module A: managing for improved educational perfromenace Rice, Howard Pac.LC191.94.R53 IN
Serial Management implications of a coconut crab (Birgus latro) removal study in Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Book Management information systems for the information age Haag, Stephen. T58.6.H18 1999 IN
Book Management innovators : the people and ideas that have shaped modern business Wren, Daniel A. HC102.5.A2W92 1998 IN
Book The management of acute respiratory infections in children : practical guidelines for outpatient care. BTL RC740.M31 1995 box 150 IN
 2 The management of archives
Book Management of bleached and severely damaged coral reefs QH541.5.M35 2000 IN
Book Management of brain-injured children RJ496.B7M356 2006 IN
Book Management of capital flows : comparative experiences and implications for Africa. Doc.HG5822.M36 2003 IN
Book Management of child development centers Hildebrand, Verna. LB2822.7.H55 1993 IN
Book The management of college and university archives Maher, William J. CD3065.M34 1992 IN
Book The management of information from archives Cook, Michael G., 1931- CD971.C66 1999 IN
Book Management of information technology Frenzel, Carroll W. T58.64.F74 1991 IN
Book Management of international water resources : institutional and legal aspects : report Panel of Experts on the Legal and Institutional Aspects of International Water Resources Development. Pac.KZ3700.P36 1975 IN
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