View previous page View next page Title Search: The U.S. military intervention in Panama: Operation Just Cause, December 1989-January 1990
  Title Author Call Number Status
Book University of Hawaii President's report 1985-1989 Pac.LG961.H4B85 1985 IN
Video The University of Hawaii something to write home about. MITC VC 887 IN
Book University of Hawai'i student transfer handbook Pac.LG961.H4S74 2001 IN
Book University of Hawai'i system: student transfer handbook Pac.LG961.H4S74 2001 IN
 2 The University of Hawaii - Trust Territory contract, a five-year report: 1963-1968.
Book The University of Hawaii - Trust Territory contract, Micronesian Teacher Education Center: annual report: 1968-1969/ Micronesian Teacher Education Center. Pac.LB2193.H39M52 1970 IN
Book The University of Hawaii - Trust Territory contract, Micronesian Teacher Education Center/Community College of Micronesia: final report: 1963-1971/ Micronesian Teacher Education Center. Pac.LB2193.H39M52 1971 IN
Serial University of Hawaii-Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands contract : Community College of Micronesia : annual report. University of Hawaii (Honolulu) Pac. LB1727.T78H382 1969-70 IN
Serial University of Hawaii - Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands contract : Micronesian Teacher Education Center: annual report University of Hawaii (Honolulu) Pac. LB1727.T78H382 1969-70 IN
Video University of Idaho from here you can go anywhere. MITC VC 888 OUT
Serial University of New South Wales Centre for South Pacific Studies newsletter Pac.DU1.C46 1999 IN
Serial University of New South Wales newsletter Pac.DU1.C46 1999 IN
Serial The University of South Pacific Library : Annual report University of the South Pacific Library. Pac.Z871.S6U45 IN
Book University of the Philippines : catalogue, 1955-1956, announcements, 1955-1956 Pac.LG210.2.U1 1956 IN
Book University of the South Pacific 2005 calendar. Pac.LG961.F5U55 2005 IN
Serial University of the South Pacific annual report University of the South Pacific. Vice-Chancellor's Office. Pac.LG961.F6U581 1982 IN
Serial University of the South Pacific bulletin. Pac.LG961.F6U53 IN
Book University of the South Pacific calendar. Pac.LG961.F5U55 2004 IN
Book University of the South Pacific : degree courses, general information 1981 Pac.LG210.2.U55 1978 IN
Book University of the South Pacific : degree handbook 1978 Pac.LG210.2.U55 1978 IN
Serial The University of the South Pacific library annual report University of the South Pacific. Pac.Z871.F5U64 1998 IN
Serial University of the South Pacific, publications Pac.Z4501.U65 IN
Serial University of the South Pacific report University of the South Pacific. Vice-Chancellor's Office. Pac.LG961.F6U581 1982 IN
Book University of Victoria. Pac.DS1.P3 1976 IN
Book University students behaving badly Lee, Deborah LB1033.L46 2006 IN
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