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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book National--international jurisdictional boundary on the ocean floor Hedberg, Hollis Dow, 1903- Pac.JX4426.H43 IN
Book National issues in education : Goals 2000 and school-to-work LA217.2.N37E38 1995 IN
Book National laws and regulations on the prevention and suppression of international terrorism = Dispositions législatives et réglementaires nationales relatives à la prévention et à lelimination du terrorisme international. Doc.K5256.A48 2002 IN
Serial National leadership grants award recipient : project to create and expand digital databases for the three collections in the University of Hawai'i at Manoa Libraries. Institute of Museum and Library Services (U.S.) VerF 0897.98 Pac IN
Mixed National legislation relevant to biodiversity within the Federated States of Micronesia Mace, MJ VerF 0644 Pac. IN
Book National-level planning for the cooperation between the SPC/GTZ Pacific German regional forestry project and the Federated States of Micronesia : workshop report Fung, Christine Pac.SD244.9.F86 2003 IN
Serial National library bulletin Pac.Z870.P3N3 v.1 no.4 IN
Serial National Library of Australia news.
Serial National marine monument proposal in CNMI faces opposition
Book National meeting on biodiversity conservation : meeting proceedings, November 24-26, 2004 Pac.S494.5.A4D34 2004 IN
Book National Memorial Rhode Island. United States National Park Service Gov.I29.155:W 67/2013 IN
Book National Monument New Mexico. United States National Park Service Gov.I29.155:W 58/2/2013 IN
Book National negotiating styles JX4473.N38 1987 IN
Book National nutrition and dietary survey of Niue. Pac.Per.DU1.S588 no.202 IN
Book National nutrition survey of the Federated States of Micronesia Elymore, Jane [et al.] Pac.TX360.F32N57 (Summ.) 1989b IN
Book National Ocean Conference : oceans of commerce, oceans of life : June 11-12, 1998, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. National Ocean Conference (1st : 1998 : Monterey, Calif.) Pac.GC1018.N383 c.1 IN
Book National Ocean Conference : oceans of commerce, oceans of life : June 11-12, 1998, Naval Postgraducate School, Monterey, California. National Ocean Conference : (1st : 1998 : Monterey, Calif.) Gov.C55.2:OC 2/14 IN
 2 National Ocean conference proceedings
Book National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration : careers that make a world of difference. Gov.C55.2:C18/5 IN
Book National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration coral reef ecosystem research plan for fiscal years 2007 to 2011 Gov.C55.2:81/7 IN
Book National Oceanic Resource Management Authority : 2004-2005 report Pac.SH319.M625N38 2008 IN
GRAPHIC National olympic committe MITC CD 57 IN
Video National Olympic Committee aids prevention MITC DVD 550 IN
Mixed National Parks & Conservation Magazine VerF.0677 Pac. IN
Book The national parks of America Brett, Michael. E160.B66 2001 IN
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