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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Geographic information systems & science G70.212.G44553 2011 IN
Book Geographic information systems in fisheries management and planning : technical manual Graaf, Gertjan de FAO.SH1.F2 IN
Book Geographic information systems, remote sensing and mapping for the development and management of marine aquaculture Kapetsky, James M. FAO.SH1.F2 2007 no.458 IN
Book Geographic information systems to support the ecosystem approach to fisheries : status, opportunities and challenges FAO.SH1.F2 no.532 IN
Book Geographic note Pac.G109.U544 IN
Book Geographic notes Pac.G109.U544 IN
Book Geographic studies in the Easternmost Carolines : final report Murphy, Raymond E. Pac.DU568.M7M84 1948 IN
Serial A geographic summary of Micronesia and notes on the climate of Micronesia. Bryan Jr., E.H. Pac.HC464.M5U6 IN
Mixed Geographic variation and ecological adaptation in aurelia (scyphozoa, semaeostomeae) : some implications from molecular phylogenetics Dawson, Mike N. VerF 0805.01a Pac IN
Serial Geographical checklist of the Micronesian pteridophyta and gymnospermae
Book Geographical guide to floras of the world; an annotated list with special reference to useful plants and common plant names. Blake, S. F. (Sidney Fay), 1892-1959. Pac.Z5358.A12B52 1967 IN
Mixed Geographical history of the central-western Pacific black fly subgenus Insliellum (Diptera: Simuliidae: Simulium) based on a reconstructed phylogeny of the species, hot-spot archipelagoes and hydrological considerations / Douglas A Craig, [et al.] Craig, Douglas VerF 0841.01 Pac IN
Book Geographical knowledge of the Pacific peoples Lewthwaite, Gordon R. Pac.Du.L351 IN
Book Geographical review Murphy, Raymond E. Pac.HD1129.P7M81 1948 IN
 4 Geography.
Video Geography, a spatial perspective MITC VC 860 IN
Book Geography against development : a case for landlocked developing countries Chowdhury, Anwarul K. Doc.HC59.7.C369 2006 IN
Book Geography and ecology of Diego Garcia Atoll, Chagos Archipelago Pac.QE565.A8 1971 no.149 IN
Book The geography behind history East, William Gordon. G141.E2 1967 IN
Book Geography dictionary. O'Mahony, Kieran Ref.G103.O3 1993 IN
Video Geography for the 21st century MITC VC 1291 IN
 2 Geography, maps, anthropology, recreation
Book Geography of Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands. McKnight, Tom L. (Tom Lee). Pac.DU18.5.M36 1995 IN
Book Geography of Hawaiian herbal healing Judd, Nanette L. Kapulani Pac.SB293.J83 1997 IN
Book The geography of injury hospitalizations and deaths in Hawai'i. Pac.RA407.4.H3G46 1994 IN
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