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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book 1973/74 final evaluation Title VII Bilingual Education Projects Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Pac.LC3725.M5P12 1974 IN
Serial 1973 Census of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands : supervisor's reference manual Pacific Island (Trust Territory). Office of Census Coordinator. Pac.HA4007.T7A53 1972 IN
Serial 1973 population of Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Pacific Island (Trust Territory). Office of Census Coordinator. Pac.HA4007.T7A53 1973 IN
Book 1973 Truk PTDF tuna handline program : final report Howell, Richard. Pac.SH351.T8H6 IN
Book 1973 Vocational education act state plan Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Education. Pac.LA2270.M5P11 1972 IN
Book 1974-75 interim evaluation. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Education. Pac.LC3740.C3T46 1975 IN
Book 1974-75 Interim Evaluation : Title VII Bilingual Education project, Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Emmett, Joan Pac.LC3740.10.E6 1974 IN
Book 1974 annual evaluation report of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands ARC. TTPI 06 IN
Mixed 1975 senior land commissioner's conference. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Ponape District Land Commission. Pac.HD1251.P33 1975 IN
Book 1975 Town Study Project Xavier High School (Truk, Micronesia). Pac.DU568.T7X3 1975 IN
Book 1976-77 Final performance report: Headquarters Bilingual Education Program/ Pac.LC3740.T7F56 IN
Book 1976-77 interim performance report Headquarters Bilingual Education Program Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Headquarters Dept. of Education Trust Territory Language Programs Coordinator. Pac.LC3740.P33P33 1977 IN
Book 1976-77 interim performance report Kusaie bilingual education project grant number G 007507013 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Education. Pac.LC3740.T7P33b 1977 IN
Book 1976-77 interim performance report Wone bilingual education report. Ponape, Eastern Caroline Islands District Department of Education. Pac.LC740.P7P77 1977 IN
Book 1976 Interim report. Marshall Islands. Political Status Commission. Pac.JQ6589.A5M3 IN
Book 1977-78 continuation proposal for bilingual education project Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Education. Pac.LC3740.T7P33 1977 IN
Book 1977-78 final performance Kosrae bilingual education project grant no. G007507013. Pac.LA2270.M5F56 IN
Book 1977-78 final performance report: state technical assistance project Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Headquarters Burea of Education. Pac.LA2270.P33 IN
Book 1977-78 proposal for bilingual education project Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Department of Education. Pac.LC3740.T7P33b 1977 IN
Book The 1977-78 Purse-seine skipjack fishery in New Zealand waters Habib, G. Pac.SH351.N5M3 IN
Book 1977 Research. Ayres, William S. Pac.DU500.5.T73 IN
Book 1977 Town Study Project Xavier High School (Truk, Micronesia). Pac.DU568.T7X3 1977 IN
Book 1978-79 interim performance report headquarters bilingual education program Trust Territory Bilingual Program Coordinator. Pac.HF566.7.T78 1979 IN
Book 1978 referendum of the draft constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory) Pac.JQ6451.A5P3851 IN
Book 1978 Town Study Project Xavier High School (Truk, Micronesia). Pac.DU568.T7X3 1978 IN
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