Title |
Author |
Call Number |
Status |
Captain James Cook after two hundred years : a commemorative address delivered before the Hakluyt Society
Skelton, Raleigh Ashlim.
IN |
Captain James Cook : Alan Villiers
Villiers, Allan John, 1903-
Pac.G246.C7 V53 1967
IN |
Captain Mau Piailug & members of Makalii voyage.
IN |
Captain of discovery : the story of Captain George Vancouver
Haig-Brown, Roderick Langmere Haig, 1908-
IN |
Captains courageous
Captain's doll.
Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930.
PR6023.A93F83 1992
IN |
Captive heart
Chaikin, L. L., 1943-
CRC Juv.C34c 1998
IN |
Captive of my desires
Lindsey, Johanna
PB LIN 2006
The captives
Wright, Donald K. (Donald Kenton)
PS3573.R5325C3 1987
Capture-based aquaculture : global overview
FAO.SH1.F2 2008 no.508
IN |
Capture section report of assistance to the National Fisheries College, Kavieng, New Ireland province, Papua, New Guinea : 15 June 1998-29 January 1999
Watt, Peter G.
Pac. SH332.2 .P36 W38 1999
IN |
Capture Section report of fish aggregating device (FAD) site survey, construction and deployment assistance to the Fisheries Department of Tuvalu : Phase I, 7-24 October l995 and Phase II, l7 May-7 June l996
Petaia, S.
Pac.SH157.85.F49P38 l997
IN |
Capture Section report of fish aggregating device (FAD) site surveys, construction and deployment assistance to the Republic of Nauru 4 April - 2 May 1990; 15-26 October 1991; 6 - 14 March 1993; 28 April - 2 May 1993; and 14 - 24 November 1997
Pac.SHl57.85.F49.N38 l997
IN |
Capture section report of technical assistance to the New Caledonia tuna longline fishing company, Navimon, 19 August-23 December 1996 / by Steve Beverly and Lindsay Chapman.
Beverly, Steve.
Pac.SH319.T8B383 1996
IN |
Capture-Section report of the technical assistance to the Rarotomgan based Tuna Longline Fleet, and Demonstration of mid-water fishing techniques to Artisanal Fishermen in Rarotonga and Aitutaki, the Cook Islands 26 January - 3 May, 1997
Beverly, Steve.
Pac.SH319.C66 B48 1998
IN |
Capture section report of tuna fisheries development, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea : by S. Beverly and L. Chapman.
Beverly, S. (Stephen)
Pac.SH351.T8C37 1996
IN |
Capture section report of Wallis and Futuna fish aggregating device (FAD) : technical assistance projects, 25 August to 15 September 1992 ; 7-11 November ; and 23-29 July 1995
Beverly, S. (Stephen)
Pac. SH157.85 .F49B48 1999
IN |
Capture the moment...
Pac.LG691.S4S48 2016
IN |
Captured innocence
Sizemore, Susan.
Capturing the wisdom of practice : professional portfolios for educators
Martin-Kniep, Giselle O., 1956-
LB1728.M27 1999
IN |
Capuchins in Micronesia.
Capulin volcano.
Capulin Volcano National Monument, New Mexico.
Car wash fund-raiser.
Caracte´ristiques et fonctionnement de l'oce´an
Le Borgne, Robert.
Pac.GC1.C67 1993
IN |