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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Captain James Cook after two hundred years : a commemorative address delivered before the Hakluyt Society Skelton, Raleigh Ashlim. Pac.G246.C7S55 IN
Book Captain James Cook : Alan Villiers Villiers, Allan John, 1903- Pac.G246.C7 V53 1967 IN
Video Captain Mau Piailug & members of Makalii voyage. MITC DVD 987 IN
Book Captain of discovery : the story of Captain George Vancouver Haig-Brown, Roderick Langmere Haig, 1908- Pac.G246.V3H3 IN
 2 Captains courageous
Book Captain's doll. Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930. PR6023.A93F83 1992 IN
Book Captive heart Chaikin, L. L., 1943- CRC Juv.C34c 1998 IN
Book Captive of my desires Lindsey, Johanna PB LIN 2006 OUT
Book The captives Wright, Donald K. (Donald Kenton) PS3573.R5325C3 1987 OUT
Book Capture-based aquaculture : global overview FAO.SH1.F2 2008 no.508 IN
Book Capture section report of assistance to the National Fisheries College, Kavieng, New Ireland province, Papua, New Guinea : 15 June 1998-29 January 1999 Watt, Peter G. Pac. SH332.2 .P36 W38 1999 IN
Book Capture Section report of fish aggregating device (FAD) site survey, construction and deployment assistance to the Fisheries Department of Tuvalu : Phase I, 7-24 October l995 and Phase II, l7 May-7 June l996 Petaia, S. Pac.SH157.85.F49P38 l997 IN
Book Capture Section report of fish aggregating device (FAD) site surveys, construction and deployment assistance to the Republic of Nauru 4 April - 2 May 1990; 15-26 October 1991; 6 - 14 March 1993; 28 April - 2 May 1993; and 14 - 24 November 1997 Pac.SHl57.85.F49.N38 l997 IN
Book Capture section report of technical assistance to the New Caledonia tuna longline fishing company, Navimon, 19 August-23 December 1996 / by Steve Beverly and Lindsay Chapman. Beverly, Steve. Pac.SH319.T8B383 1996 IN
Book Capture-Section report of the technical assistance to the Rarotomgan based Tuna Longline Fleet, and Demonstration of mid-water fishing techniques to Artisanal Fishermen in Rarotonga and Aitutaki, the Cook Islands 26 January - 3 May, 1997 Beverly, Steve. Pac.SH319.C66 B48 1998 IN
Book Capture section report of tuna fisheries development, East New Britain, Papua New Guinea : by S. Beverly and L. Chapman. Beverly, S. (Stephen) Pac.SH351.T8C37 1996 IN
Book Capture section report of Wallis and Futuna fish aggregating device (FAD) : technical assistance projects, 25 August to 15 September 1992 ; 7-11 November ; and 23-29 July 1995 Beverly, S. (Stephen) Pac. SH157.85 .F49B48 1999 IN
Book Capture the moment... Pac.LG691.S4S48 2016 IN
Book Captured innocence Sizemore, Susan. PB SIZ OUT
Book Capturing the wisdom of practice : professional portfolios for educators Martin-Kniep, Giselle O., 1956- LB1728.M27 1999 IN
 2 Capuchins in Micronesia.
 2 Capulin volcano.
 2 Capulin Volcano National Monument, New Mexico.
Serial Car wash fund-raiser.
Book Caracte´ristiques et fonctionnement de l'oce´an Le Borgne, Robert. Pac.GC1.C67 1993 IN
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