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Mixed Trust Territory policy letter, P-1 : land policy. Pac.HD1131.P7T78 IN
 2 Trust Territory Pre-Conference, Dec. 10-12, 1978 : final report.
GRAPHIC Trust Territory pre-conference library services picture Pac.ART 41 IN
Book Trust Territory Pre-Conference : Trust Territory Pre-White House Conference on Library and Information services, December 10, 11, 12, 1978 ARC. TTPI 04 IN
Book Trust Territory reports. Pac.KVC119.T78 v. 6 IN
Book Trust Territory scholarship hall: year book 1969 Pac.LG961.T7T7 1969 IN
Serial Trust Territory School of Nursing graduation
Book Trust Territory social security system Myers, Robert J. (Robert Julius), 1912-2010. Pac.HD7250.5.Z8T85 1966 IN
Book Trust Territory students' perceptions of college life. Perez, Vicente-Roman Leon. Pac.LB2376.6M65P47 1980 IN
Book The Trust Territory task force on education for self-government : a staff report to the Senate Committee on Education and Social Affairs, Sixth Congress of Micronesia, Second regular session. Farley, Brian. Pac.JQ6451.A5F34 IN
Serial Trust Territory Vocational Advisory Council Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Manpower Advisory Council. Pac.LB2849.T7T7 no. 14 IN
 2 Trust Territory Vocational Advisory Council minutes
Book Trust Territory Vocational Advisory Council : proceedings of the 27th meeting, January 23-27, 1978 Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Advisory Council on Vocational Education. Pac.LC1041.T7P11 1978 IN
Serial Trust Territory Vocational Manpower Advisory Council minutes. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Manpower Advisory Council. Pac.LB2849.T7T7 no. 14 IN
Book Trust Territory wage survey of private companies in the District of Truk, Yap, Ponape, Palau, Marshalls, Marianas. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Personnel. Pac.HD5100.T7A13 1976 IN
Book Trust Territory wage survey of private companies, June 1976. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Personnel. Pac.HD5100.T7A13 1976 IN
Book Trust Territory wage survey of private companies, June 1977. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Dept. of Personnel. Pac.HD5100.T7A13 1977 IN
 2 Trust Territory wage survey of private companies, March 1974.
Book Trust Territory - wide water and sewage systems Department of Public Works. Design and Engineering Division. Pac.GB1199.8.P16D47 1971 IN
Book The Trust Territory work plan : draft Pac.HV553.T78 1975 IN
Video Trustee orientation & reorientation academy MITC VC 328 IN
Book Trusteeship. Marston, Geoffrey Pac.JX4021.M3 IN
Serial Trusteeship agreement for the United States Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Serial Trusteeship Agreement, preamble.
Serial Trusteeship: Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges. Per.LB2342.5.T77 IN
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