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  Title Author Call Number Status
Book Passport Revolving Fund, National Government, Federated States of Micronesia, September 30, 1989-1994. Micronesia (Federated States). Office of the Public Auditor. Pac.JX4253.M625M3 1995 IN
Book Passport to Japan Tames, Richard. CRC DS806.T2933 1988 IN
Video Passport to Paris. MITC VC 1054 OUT
Book Passport to profits : why the next investment windfalls will be found abroad--and how to grab your share Mobius, Mark. HG4538.M71 1999 IN
Book Passport to the world : the 80 key words you need to communicate in 25 languages Berlitz, Charles. Ref.P357.B4 1995 IN
Book Passport to United States Lye, Keith. CRC E156.L95 1988 IN
Book Past achievements and future possibilities : a conference on economic development in Micronesia held in Kolonia, Ponape, May 22-25, 1984. Pac.HC681.5.P37 1984 c.3 IN
Book The past and future people : tradition and change on a New Guinea island McSwain, Romola Mae. Pac.DU740.9.K37M33 1977 IN
Book The past, present and future of traditional taro irrigation in the Pacific : an example of traditional ecological knowledge Spriggs, Matthew. Pac.SB211.T2S78 1989 IN
Book The past, present and future status of the tuna resources of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Wilson, Peter T. Pac.SH351.T8W55 1962 IN
Video Past, present, and promise; Understanding research MITC VC 948 M IN
Book Past tense : a Jack Reacher novel Child, Lee. PB CHI 2019 IN
Book Pastime Parker, Robert B., 1932-2010. PS3566.A686P34 1991 IN
Serial 'Pastora" highest yielding taro in CTAS test.
Book Pastoral counseling : a ministry of the church Patton, John, 1930- BV4012.2.P35 1983 IN
Mixed Pata Municipal Ordinances. Pacific Islands (Trust Territory). Office of the District Administrator. Truk District.
Book Patagonian toothfish : beyond the hyperbole
 2 Patakin : world tales of drums and drummers
Book Patch choice decisions among Iffaluk fishers Sosis, Richard. Pac.SH319.A2S7 2002 IN
Book Patch reef fishes. Nolan, Ron Scott Pac.QL636.5.M3 1975 IN
Book Patches of light clouds Wang, Zhi. Pac.PN6142.W19 2005 IN
Book Patent it yourself Pressman, David, 1937- KF3114.6.P74 1997 IN
Book Patent models index : guide to the collections of the National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History (U.S.). Gov.SI 1.28:54/v.2 IN
Serial Patents, trademarks, and copyrights Gov.AE 2.106/3:37/ IN
Book Patere Joseph : TRJ 21 : trial version Pac.PL6318.Z77J62 1980 IN
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